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Thanks for taking time to read the post - need some input as I'm struggling to understand whats happening with my hair.

I have thinning on my crown and temples, I'm 37 years old. I went to see a derm who did a range of tests diagnosed it as male pattern baldness, advised I start to use minoxidil 5%, I have been applying foam (day) liquid (night) for approximately 6 months. I apply it to my crown and temples.

I seemed to respond ok to minoxidil on the crown, though hasnt really done much if anything for my temples (if anything I have lost hair on my left temple which hasnt grown back yet). I didnt have a major shed when starting minoxidil but I did thin out where it was applied...I definitely have lost hair from the rest of my head (where I wasnt applying minoxidil) it has thinned out significantly. I'm not sure if that was my male pattern baldness progressing or a side effect of minoxidil?

So fast forward about 3 months and I was continuing to lose hair from the middle of my head...so I finally bit the bullet and started finasteride .5mg ED.

For the first 4.5 months, my shedding didnt really change or decrease, it was pretty consistent until the last 4-5 weeks where it has increased significantly, but primarily from where I am applying minoxidil i.e. crown and temples. My hairline (excluding temples) has improved, thicker hair...the middle is still thinning out...

Primarily I loose hair every morning - probably in the region of 30ish (when i run my hands through my hair) and about 40ish when I shower and style my hair, my crown has thinned out significantly...its really thin compared to how it was a few months ago. Thats what I notice, I'm sure I am losing hair at other times too but I am trying not to think about it all the time.

I'm not sure if its the minoxidil or finasteride (or both) - I'm worried that minoxidil is damaging my hair (illustrated by my left temple which has lost hair and had no regrowth) whereas I think the increased density on my hairline is proving that finasteride is starting to work.

In terms of other information, I have noticed my hair and skin is more oily since starting finasteride, I also have a few acne type bumps on my scalp though I used to get those periodically before. But my scalp is definitely more oily.

Re shampoo, I dont use Nizoral i experimented but it was too harsh, dried out my scalp and caused flakyness. I use a organic SLS free shampoo which has really helped with my dry scalp - it got to a point where I could see flakes all over my scalp.

I am losing faith with minoxidil, I cant help but think its causing me to lose hair and its not growing back...

I am prepared to give finasteride more time - but I am after some opinions.

Is is it normal to shed on minoxidil around the 4-5 month mark? I am fast going back to how it was....

Is there something in me losing hair mainly every morning? I figure its because my T and therefore DHT levels are highest...should I consider taking 1mg of finasteride a day instead of .5mg?

Can minoxidil effect the rest of your scalp, the loss of density all over since I started has been significant.

Any help and or personal experiences would be much appreciated.



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Your timeline is kind of hard to read and get a exact point on when you started minoxidil/finasteride when your major shedding hit and how long it has been.

How long have you been on minoxidil?
How long have you been on finasteride?


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Sure let me clarify - was a long rambling post!

Started approx minoxidil 6 months ago, started finasteride .5mg ED 3 months ago.

Had some shedding when I first started minoxidil but nothing drastic.

Been shedding quite a lot of hair everyday from about 4.5 months (so 3 months on Min, 1.5 on finasteride) - but only in the places where I apply minoxidil (crown and temples).

As a result of the shedding my hair on my crown and top (Vertex?) has thinned out considerably - but hair at the front has improved (except the temples).

Not sure if I should continue with minoxidil?

Plus - I wonder if there is a reason I lose the majority of hair in the morning and when I shower / style my hair, should I up my dose of finasteride?

Hope that helps

Edit: I should add, the hairs I'm shedding are mainly terminal. I have noticed a increase in shedding miniaturised hairs since starting finasteride I assume that its finasteride working.


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I believe if you see no improvements to where you applied minoxidil after 6 months you should quit HOWEVER, I'm unsure if the finasteride shed ( which you could be possibly going through ) would effect the minoxidil growth. Someone will probably give you a better answer.

Your current dose is fine you can bump to 1mg if you want. Most male pattern baldness suffers notice more hair fall when in the shower/styling its common.


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I believe if you see no improvements to where you applied minoxidil after 6 months you should quit HOWEVER, I'm unsure if the finasteride shed ( which you could be possibly going through ) would effect the minoxidil growth. Someone will probably give you a better answer.

Your current dose is fine you can bump to 1mg if you want. Most male pattern baldness suffers notice more hair fall when in the shower/styling its common.

Cheers - i had some initial improvements with minoxidil, my crown improved just not sure its losing effectiveness - any idea if its common to have multiple sheds while on minoxidil?

Is it normal for finasteride to cause shedding in the crown, or wherever hair has been miniaturised?


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Can't answer the first question

Second yes its normal to shed on finasteride in the male pattern baldness areas.