Oral minoxidil?....and Cortisone


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I have heard that minoxidil is used internally for certain heart conditions and that those users have experienced hairgrowth. Considering how topical minoxidil still enters the body and effects its internal systems (my heart rate rises slightly when I put it on, thus I avoid it at night) why can't we as male pattern baldness sufferers take oral minoxidil instead of applying it topically? This would seem to be a much more efficient delivery, especially for diffuse thinners. Any ideas? Also, has anyone heard of cortisone?



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Lossfer said:
I have heard that minoxidil is used internally for certain heart conditions and that those users have experienced hairgrowth. Considering how topical minoxidil still enters the body and effects its internal systems (my heart rate rises slightly when I put it on, thus I avoid it at night) why can't we as male pattern baldness sufferers take oral minoxidil instead of applying it topically? This would seem to be a much more efficient delivery, especially for diffuse thinners. Any ideas? Also, has anyone heard of cortisone?

I'm not sure if oral minoxidil is safe to take even if a person has a blood pressure problem. As for cortisone, I think it is supposed to be an anti-inflammatory. The cortisone shots are only supposed to be given no more than 4 times per year. Even then it still is not good for ya. It's supposed to be a steroid. I believe that there are cortisone creams out that you can apply topically( I think I'm right). They might be better for inflammation when it comes to side effects anyway. Hope I was helpful.


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I doubt the topical minoxodil is actually causing your heart rate to change. My guess is your mind is willing it to change, perhaps because of anxiety.

The Doctor gave me cortizone lotion for my scalp once while it was irritated and my hair looked significantly better after a few weeks. Then I ran out and he refused to give me more.


Thinning said:
I doubt the topical minoxodil is actually causing your heart rate to change. My guess is your mind is willing it to change, perhaps because of anxiety.

The Doctor gave me cortizone lotion for my scalp once while it was irritated and my hair looked significantly better after a few weeks. Then I ran out and he refused to give me more.

Actually, too much minoxidil applied on the scalp can cause cardiac issues.


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I realized I am going through the rograine waay too fast. Mostly because I must not be methodical enough-
anyway I did have some heart pains, which is when I started being more careful.

What kinds of heart issues?