Oral Minoxidil-effectiveness Vs Topical minoxidil?


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Anyone here tried oral minoxidil and have success after not having results with topical? If someone doesn't get results from topical, would they not get results from oral either or does minoxidil work differently oral vs topical
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oral will increase your chance of sides and is less effective than the topical. topical gets it directly onto the scalp to improve blood flow. if you are a non responder to topical thats just the luck of the draw.


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oral will increase your chance of sides and is less effective than the topical. topical gets it directly onto the scalp to improve blood flow. if you are a non responder to topical thats just the luck of the draw.

People take oral minoxidil in very low doses, like ~2mg. Also oral minoxidil is activated by sulfotransferase in the liver rather than on the skin/follicle, so that's why im wondering if non responders to the topical might have success with oral.


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People take oral minoxidil in very low doses, like ~2mg. Also oral minoxidil is activated by sulfotransferase in the liver rather than on the skin/follicle, so that's why im wondering if non responders to the topical might have success with oral.
It is possible. Some guy posted in success stories who said he had no results with topical minoxidil, and had significant regrowth with oral. So it definitely is possible. He is taking 7.5mg daily though, and had been taking up to 20mg/day at times.


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People take oral minoxidil in very low doses, like ~2mg. Also oral minoxidil is activated by sulfotransferase in the liver rather than on the skin/follicle, so that's why im wondering if non responders to the topical might have success with oral.
man, you guys ask for opinions, and then fight it when ppl disagree with your thinking. just go ahead and take it and stop asking for opinions


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man, you guys ask for opinions, and then fight it when ppl disagree with your thinking. just go ahead and take it and stop asking for opinions

Did you not read the full post? I was asking if there was a difference in how minoxidil works oral vs topical, and you just said minoxidil improves blood flow and it gives you side effects. Minoxidil doesn't regrow hair just because of blood flow. Also there's people who have had success with oral minoxidil, but the question was whether there were any of them that were non responders to the topical


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Anyone here tried oral minoxidil and have success after not having results with topical? If someone doesn't get results from topical, would they not get results from oral either or does minoxidil work differently oral vs topical
Ever tried oral minoxidil?


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ppl are getting sides just from the topical sh*t. after almost 8 years of topical min use, i start getting headaches minutes after t being on my scalp. so i wouldn't want to mess with the oral. at least topical u can wash off. oral u have to wait for it to be processed by the liver and excreted