Oral spironolactone


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Any experiences with it? I wonder if it would help to reduce my newly gained body hair and help with acne.. I'd like to try it in a very low dosage. Besides nipple tenderness is there any other sides I should be aware of?


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oral spironolactone is something i would use after giving propecia or dutaseride 6 to 12 months to see if that works,you could even use both propecia and oral spironolactone together as propecia stops DHT being formed and oral spironolactone reduces overall testosterone,you would have to use at least 100mg or spironolactone to have a affect but if your hair is more important than having sex then go for it.Do a lot of research on the subject,i know how you feel i myself was on 100mg spironolactone and dutas together but only stayed on spironolactone for 1 week and chickened out really not wanting to grow breasts,which is by no means certain,now just on dutas,nizoral and minoxidil.

good luck with what you decide,also ignoe people who tell you to stop moaning about your hairloss ,these people do not realise that you have to greive about it before you can treat and regain your hair