Oral spironolactone


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Guys, talk to me about oral spironolactone.

Was taking 1.25 finasteride daily with great success for 3 years... I panicked a little at this point because I thought it began to stop working, especially in the front. Perhaps stupidly, I started taking one dutas capsule EOD whilst continuing to take finasteride - if anything, this SPED up the frontal loss. Tried my dutasteride/finasteride combination for just over a year before deciding to drop dutasteride completely and start taking 2.5mg of finasteride every day. Yet my loss is still going, despite adding 5% topical spironolactone cream to my regimen 2 or so months ago.

I'd like to begin taking oral spironolactone now to help combat this loss that has flared up again but don't know too much about it... what is a "safe" or recommended dosage to begin on and what are the potential sides? I've read it's been linked to causing cancer!!!!

Any help GREATFULLY received!


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I myself am on Oral spironolactone 100mg daily, but I've only been on it just under two weeks, so it's too early to tell.
The reason I went with 100mg rather than 25mg is that I've read in numerous places that the lower doses increase Testosterone (of course it reduces DHT too), and Testosterone itself has been proven to be detrimental to the hair.

I'm taking this anti-androgen as I'm hoping it will lower Testosterone levels only slightly, say on the order of 10-20%. A lot of people on this board seem to be petrified of the drug, but so far I've noticed no major problems with it. It definitely hasn't "feminized" me.

I'm not shedding, and I lose about 10 hairs a day (that I can see, I also have fairly long hair), but it's too early to see regrowth.

A few posters who have been on spironolactone for years seem to think it is more for maintenance than good regrowth (kinda like finasteride). One guy over at HLH regrew a nice amount of hair using both finasteride, spironolactone, and some anti-estrogen drug (I forget the name of it now, it was taken to prevent Gyno).

I would say that Spironolactone is still an experimental treatment as of yet. Not recommended for the older dudes who might have low Testosterone levels anyway.


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What treatments are you on Cassin? and what Norwood are you?


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1.25 Proscar
Dr Lees minoxidil 500

I'm a thick Norwood 3 and I won't take something so dangerous as Oral spironolactone to try to save my hair.


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For every guy I read who used oral spironolactone, most of them ended up getting gyno or just had to quit due to the multiple anti-androgens in their body.


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cuebald said:
The reason I went with 100mg rather than 25mg is that I've read in numerous places that the lower doses increase Testosterone (of course it reduces DHT too), and Testosterone itself has been proven to be detrimental to the hair.


Is there much proof to confirm this? I intend to take 25mg 2x per day.