OT: very cool but chilling website


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My cousin showed me that website last month. Spooky, but very cool.

The Gardener

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I read the first page.. then could not help but read the whole story. Wow.

It has the makings of a great documentary, a really compelling story.

Thanks for the link.


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This is a complete tangent but I figured why start yet another off topic post to share an interesting URL?

I just came across this, and its absolutly hilarious.

The Passion of the Christ: Blooper Reel

Man, I'd give anything to see the actual footage.

This one is classic:

Jesus: Hey! I can see my house from here

:D Oh man thats funny!!!!


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JesusFreak said:
get through the first few pages...you won't be able to stop reading.


Say, that was a neat-o site. Unfortunately, it didn't chill my butt as I'd expected :cry:

I may be one of the few fellers here who can remember the cold war era (I'm 31). Liked them commies alot more than these damned terrorists!

I really dig ghost towns and such. Abandoned asylums are also erie and cool. Haven't visited the site below in a while. Lots of the links are probably bad, but they had some nice pics in the past.

Shame so many of these historic buildings are rotting or being torn down.


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Unfortunately, it didn't chill my butt as I'd expected

The chilling part is the almost certainty that a nuclear event, probably in the form of a suitcase bomb or a plane crashing into a reactor, will occur somewhere in the united states in our lifetime.

As much hate as the some Arab and Muslim people have for Americans its not a matter of if, but when we will see a ghost town like Chernobyl in the United States. This chills me to the bone.