Other potential side effects of Propecia


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Hi guys,
I'm 28 and have been slowly losing hair from about the age of 21. seems to be thinning more up front than anywhere else. I have been considering taking Propecia but have been worried about the side effects.
I have read some literature that states that DHT is actually required for proper bodily function and not the useless/evil hormone that everyone makes it out to be. I weight train, I'm by no means one of those Big bodybuilder guys but I have a decent build I suppose. I'm just worried about the possible effects the lack of DHT will have in my strength levels. Also, if my girlfriend and I are planning on having a baby, how long must I be off of Propecia to prevent any birth defects in the baby?
Sure hope you guys can help.
Thanx :shock:


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body hair

yep...its me again. just one more quick question. Why is it that Hair seems to have decided to stop making its way up to the top of my head and has suddenly decided to start sprouting out in other places. :oops: ?
Is it true that Propecia can possibly reduce the growth of body hair as well?
I've recently noticed a few have decided to sprout out on my upper back and am terrified of more.....I dont take steroids or anything like that. I was just wondering if the unwanted hair and hairloss are some how related.
Thanks again


Firstly, continued usage of finasteride will slowly but surely turn your body from masculine to feminine.

But in reality this is not true, just wanted to scare you. Yes DHT is important but know one really knows for sure what the effects are. In the trials there were some side affects but only in a small number of cases.

I think I have also noticed a slow down of hair growing on my back.


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traxdata said:
Firstly, continued usage of finasteride will slowly but surely turn your body from masculine to feminine.

But in reality this is not true, just wanted to scare you. .

Ummm, traxdata I disagree with you. I distinctly remember reading a medical report that stated, "propecia (same as proscar) turn man into lady (homosexual)." I believe it was a double blind scientific study done by branco.


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DHT shouldn't affect your muscular gains. Finasteride blocks type II DHT which, unlike type I, is not found in skeletal muscles. Type I is found in the prostate, skin, and liver, I believe.

You should be fine having kids while on finasteride. If you want to be ultra sure, discontinue it a couple weeks before copulating and wear protection while she's pregnant.

But do this if you're super paranoid -- that is, you're one of those people that could be found wearing tin foil on your head to block aliens from reading your mind and you wash your hand every time you touch something.
