other xandrox 15% users?


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I want to get reports back from other users of 15% xandrox (also have been on proscar 1.25 mg for the past 18 months). i have been on it for 6 months (prior was using 5% for a year). at first it seemed good, but in the last two months, i have lost a lot of ground on my crown and frontal areas. i worry somewhat since the formula is ppg free, and the mechanism to deliver the minoxidil to the follicle isn't strong enough. i'm considering going on dutasteride., and going back to regular 5% minoxidil.

hair mchair

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You're only using it once a day right? I just started using it. I use generic minoxidil 5% mornings and Xandrox 15 at night.


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yeah, i just apply it at night. i use dr lee's 5% minoxidil during the day. at first i was also using 5% spironolactone cream 15 minutes after the xandrox application, but i figure since there is already azleic acid in the xandrox, the spironolactone would be over kill.


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spironolactone and acid fight DHT in completely different ways. i apply 5% in the morning and 15% at night with spironolactone 2%. im going to go on fincar here in a lil bit also.

hair mchair

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Ams99 said:
yeah, i just apply it at night. i use dr lee's 5% minoxidil during the day. at first i was also using 5% spironolactone cream 15 minutes after the xandrox application, but i figure since there is already azleic acid in the xandrox, the spironolactone would be over kill.

I'd go back on the spironolactone if I were you. Did you notice your hair getting worse after you quit spironolactone?

A lot of people are highly skeptical about the effects of azelaic acid on DHT levels in vivo. Supposedly, azelaic acid inhibits 5 alpha reductase in a test tube quite well, but there is no evidence indicating that it will do so in your scalp. However, there is some good evidence that topical spironolactone works relatively well. This is Bryan Shelton's point of view, and he seems pretty trustworthy and knowledgeable about such things. You can ask him about it if you want more details.

I use Xandrox 15 just for the higher concentration of minoxidil. I could care less about the azelaic acid.

hair mchair

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hoping said:
spironolactone and acid fight DHT in completely different ways. i apply 5% in the morning and 15% at night with spironolactone 2%. im going to go on fincar here in a lil bit also.


I noticed you have Rogaine 15% listed in your regimen. Do you mean Xandrox 15? Or does Rogaine now have its own version?