Ouch, pain 4 days After hair transplant?


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Sorry, for Opening another Thread, but since Today, what is my 4th day After the hair transplant, two Spots in my donor Area startet to hurt. Should i be worried? It's not that bad, that i need pain killers, but compared to the days before it got worse.

oh, and because of my gut Problems that i have for years now, i thought i could handle it without the antibiotics they gave me. Bad idea?

am i hypochondriac (i am often)? Fact is - the pain got worse than the days before. Normal?


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You should probably try some probiotics for your gut problems. I use them and they do wonders. As far as the pain goes it is normal to have pain, my head felt like a pincushion for about 3 months until that feeling went away completely. I also had an FUT and the corners above the ears healed the slowest. Overall very minor discomfort but still noticeable. Hopefully you have no infection.


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You should probably try some probiotics for your gut problems. I use them and they do wonders. As far as the pain goes it is normal to have pain, my head felt like a pincushion for about 3 months until that feeling went away completely. I also had an FUT and the corners above the ears healed the slowest. Overall very minor discomfort but still noticeable. Hopefully you have no infection.

Yeah right. Above the ears it's worst. But it feels better again Today.
And i tried a Lot of probiotics. Didn't work for me unfortunately


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You should have taken the antibiotics, IMO.

Saurkraut is good for gut flora. Any fermented food, especially fermented cabbage, is loaded with probiotics (kimchee too, the Korean style). If you like saurkraut, it's supposed to be very healthy for your gut.


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2200 grafts. Micromotor. Doctor in Germany. Known for good work.

Your donor area might suffer from some temporary telogen effluvium (shock-loss) in the beginning. There is no need really to evaluate your donor at the moment. Makes no sense. Don't worry at the moment. Follow your post-op instructions and relax :).