Out for good


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I'm 29, and am COMPLETELY off all kinds treatment as of now, the reason being that I was getting too many anxiety attacks, breathing problems and palpitations which I suspect was mostly due to the minoxidil.

My full-blown treatment was way back in 2001 and continued for a couple of years. This was basically finasteride and minoxidil (hell, I cant even remember now), but it was under a dermatologist's supervision. In 2002, I stopped consulting and just kept the minoxidil going. Things went fine for a year, growth was alright, but somewhere down the line things began to crack when I got my first anxiety attack. I still didn't stop minoxidil but I stopped later. Symptoms kept coming and going and I had no clue whether they were long term effects, but things were better. I had a craving to start minoxidil again and again, which I did, but it once again boosted the attacks, and finally in '05 I decided to call it quits.

Basically, I'm ready to face the music and have pretty much stopped caring, I don't care if I am alone for the rest of my life just because of hair loss. I just wanted my health back and thankfully I do have that. That's all I wanted, I was tired of the anxiety and panic, the chemicals, the side effects, and in my personal opinion it's not worth risking one's health just to gain hair which is temporary, but that's just my opinion because I am on the "outside".

Well, I would love to hear anyone who has had similar experiences.

To all others who are on full-fledged treatment, I would like to wish them luck and happiness.


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can you tell us how your treatment worked out for you? did you maintain hair, experience regrowth, does your hair look better now than it did when you started?

eventually we all will stop treating our hair loss, when it is no longer an over ruling factor in our lives. i am only 21 so i cannot imagine giving up now, but after 6 years of treatment i know you have the experience to make the right decision for yourself.

i do have to say tho man, losing hair, being bald, whatever, has nothing to do with whether you spend the rest of your life alone. i think the worst part about hair loss is it makes people feel inferior and that no one would want them. this damages a persons self esteem, confidence and self image which are all deciding factors in finding a companion in life. low self esteem could inhibit you from talking to your future girlfriend when you see her at the bus stop. but if you wear your male pattern baldness like it's part of who you are and you're OK with it, people will be drawn to you regardless.

good luck, i hope the loss is slow for you


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Thanks for the considerate reply.

Yeah man, I'd say within 6-9 months of the initial treatment I think I got a lot of hair back. My tendency is to lose along the hairline, and my minoxidil application was mostly along the line. I noticed a very "full" hairline without gaps within a year of the initial treatment. minoxidil, according to me, does "keep things going", without using anything else like finasteride. I mean, I can assure you of maintenance with minoxidil.

Nowadays, it's a different story, I have very thin hair since I am off completely for more than 1.5 years. I just keep my hair clean with a daily-use herbal shampoo, with maybe occasional use of Nizoral shampoo.

Well, about the social implications, I know that finding someone is not completely dependent on a man's hair, what I meant to say is: If society judges people based on their hair then I'd prefer to be alone rather than impress a few chicks. There's no way I'll trade health for anxiety and panic attacks, no way in hell, and that's why I'm out, I don't want my body to go through that.

dietcola said:
can you tell us how your treatment worked out for you? did you maintain hair, experience regrowth, does your hair look better now than it did when you started?

eventually we all will stop treating our hair loss, when it is no longer an over ruling factor in our lives. i am only 21 so i cannot imagine giving up now, but after 6 years of treatment i know you have the experience to make the right decision for yourself.

i do have to say tho man, losing hair, being bald, whatever, has nothing to do with whether you spend the rest of your life alone. i think the worst part about hair loss is it makes people feel inferior and that no one would want them. this damages a persons self esteem, confidence and self image which are all deciding factors in finding a companion in life. low self esteem could inhibit you from talking to your future girlfriend when you see her at the bus stop. but if you wear your male pattern baldness like it's part of who you are and you're OK with it, people will be drawn to you regardless.

good luck, i hope the loss is slow for you


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As diet-cola said, losing your hair will not make you spend the rest of your life alone. Since you are 6 years in treatments i am preety sure you have the experience to make such a decision, i really hope is the correct one. Definately, hair doesnt worth losing your health. Good luck!


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Thanks man, I appreciate it.

sphlanx2006 said:
As diet-cola said, losing your hair will not make you spend the rest of your life alone. Since you are 6 years in treatments i am preety sure you have the experience to make such a decision, i really hope is the correct one. Definately, hair doesnt worth losing your health. Good luck!


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Don't let your hair discourage you and let you think that you won't find a nice girl. I knew a guy in high school who was a nw4 his senior year. He had an extremely attractive girlfriend and was very popular. He kept his hair pretty short, maybe 1/2 inch and he never seemed to let his hair loss bother him at all. Just don't come down on yourself too heavily. You notice the way your hair looks before anyone else does, but if you stay confident and other people see this, you'll be fine.


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Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you.. good luck in the future.


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I have a panic disorder. Royally screwed my life up and still is. I would rather be bald as hell without this anyday. Screw the meds adn eventually you will find yourself. The best philosphy for trying to find someone : you must have a great single life to have a relationship. So that is what I am working at. Reconnecting with friends and family and not hiding my head. I know they all accept me the way I am. That will attract people to you. Trust me.


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far said:
I'm 29, and am COMPLETELY off all kinds treatment as of now, the reason being that I was getting too many anxiety attacks, breathing problems and palpitations which I suspect was mostly due to the minoxidil.

My full-blown treatment was way back in 2001 and continued for a couple of years. This was basically finasteride and minoxidil (hell, I cant even remember now), but it was under a dermatologist's supervision. In 2002, I stopped consulting and just kept the minoxidil going. Things went fine for a year, growth was alright, but somewhere down the line things began to crack when I got my first anxiety attack. I still didn't stop minoxidil but I stopped later. Symptoms kept coming and going and I had no clue whether they were long term effects, but things were better. I had a craving to start minoxidil again and again, which I did, but it once again boosted the attacks, and finally in '05 I decided to call it quits.

Basically, I'm ready to face the music and have pretty much stopped caring, I don't care if I am alone for the rest of my life just because of hair loss. I just wanted my health back and thankfully I do have that. That's all I wanted, I was tired of the anxiety and panic, the chemicals, the side effects, and in my personal opinion it's not worth risking one's health just to gain hair which is temporary, but that's just my opinion because I am on the "outside".

Well, I would love to hear anyone who has had similar experiences.

To all others who are on full-fledged treatment, I would like to wish them luck and happiness.

wy not just quitt the minoxidil and continue with finasterid ?
when and why did you quit finasteride ???