Over 50s Hair Transplant & Possible Specialist Surgeons

Murkey Thumb

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I was wondering if there are any guys on here who are over 50 years and have had a transplant. If so are you willing to show your results?

Does anybody know of any surgeons who specialize in the older dudes? Obviously the quality of hair may not be as good as somebody in their 20s so it would be interesting to know if anybody has had a good result or poor one!

Murkey Thumb

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Why would a surgeon specialise according to age? More to do with existing hair condition: Norwood status, is there diffuse loss, donor capacity, hair calibre/wavyness.

A 20 year old with bad genetics could have the hair of a 60 year old. Conversely a 50 year could have the hair of a 20 year old.
A 50 year old scalp can be very different to a 20 year old one too. Sun damage alone can affect elasticity, scalp depth may be thicker, scalp my be damaged to previous attempts to regain hair either surgical, chemical etc. Also you may want to be able to have a hairline that matches your age and not try to mimic a 20 year olds hair line. A lot of guys really just want a natural look for their age not to try regain a long gone hair line that may be defuse when finished. You also have to consider that the donor area may be thinner or grey.

Murkey Thumb

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1) Most people who have a transplant have a mature hairline as a minimum or should do if possible, regardless of age. This hairline is perfectly natural as Dr Rassman (FUE pioneer) himself says for non balding men even if they are 80. Anything beyond is balding. Some surgeons lack the skills to make a result look natural so place a higher hairline to draw less attention. Higher hairline should only be placed if the guy is very bald.

2) Grey hair is dyed for better visualisation in surgery.

3) Scalp elasticity only matters when doing FUT.

4) I'm in the field

It's all about the hair condition irrespective of age and usage of finasteride. No doctor specialises based on age only. You're better off knowing your situation and seeing similar cases with other surgeons, regardless of age. You may see surgeons specialising in african hair/ oriental / those with skin conditions like psoriasis for example.
Well they are obviously missing a marketing trick then aren't they? I see so many men 50+ walking round with bad transplants maybe from 20 years ago but nether the less there is a market that is not been addressed properly. Lets face it all these surgeons hang their hats on doing something that differentiates themselves from the others whilst in effect doing the same procedure. I.e 3D,3G, PRP etc. I would rather go to a surgeon who could show me loads of images of 50+ patients rather than flicking through a catalogue full of 20 somethings.
You would have a better idea of what could actually be achieved.