Over One Half Of Japanese People Reach Their 30s As Virgins


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I knew that there was an epidemic of sexual dysfunction in Japan, but this exceeds my expectations.

What are the causes?
Video games?
Genetically modified soy?


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Pornography, technology causing social isolation. The article I read though said 43% of 18-34 year olds are virgins, so I don't know how over half of those under 30 could be?

That Guy

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Maybe they just don't care?


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Maybe they just don't care?

Yes, many Japanese have no interest in sex. That's not normal though, so what is causing the lack of interest?


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Japan is a shame based culture, and i guess things are economically very rough over there right now so the men do not feel worthy of a partner. Im sure the females are getting plenty .


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And yet they live across from a country that had to ban it's citizens from having babies... ironic isn't it?

Japan has been cucked. After WW2 they were not allowed an army. They did a complete 360 of their culture. From militant nationalism to liberal pacifism backed by the US. They still keep the respect and efficiency of the Old Japan but the ruthlessness has been stripped away, leaving them with a nation of nutless cartoon lovers and technology buffs.


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I knew that there was an epidemic of sexual dysfunction in Japan, but this exceeds my expectations.

What are the causes?
Video games?
Genetically modified soy?
men vs women?
How are the stats?


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This study is a load of bollocks and cope probably produced by fat westerners who have never kissed a girl. I don't believe it for a second.


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I saw a lot of Japanese and can believe


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Aren't the Japanese more interested in working more than anything else? And who actually comissioned this study?

That Guy

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Aren't the Japanese more interested in working more than anything else? And who actually comissioned this study?

The real question is who the hell cares? It doesn't really matter how many people are virgins before X age or not.

The Japanese birth rate is lower than its replacement rate and that is the real problem as it causes a labour shortage.

People who are f*****g and have kids generally only have 1 kid. The average rate in Japan is 1.42 per woman; higher than Germany's and a bit lower than the USA's. Women are also waiting into their 30s to get married because of career pressure and I'm sure it's the same for the guys.

As the article says, the government has encouraged people to have more children but to no avail, older workers are being kept in their jobs longer and companies are being encouraged to increase automation.

It's not that fewer people in the country need be virgins before age 30, which is arbitrary anyway — it's that more people need to have kids and often more than one per woman.

Inb4 "biological clock" — more women in their 30s are having children than women in their 20s
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I have a friend who lives in Japan and he said that most guys there tend to isolate themselves. There's even a Japanese term for it - hikikomori.