Overseas for transplant surgery


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Has anyone here gone to the Philippines for their proceedure? Of course the cost is a main reason for this question. If you have, how much did it cost you? Have you been to the 'Manzanares restoration clinic' or else where? After comparing/reviewing stories and pics i feel i may need at the very most 2500 FUEs. If you had it done here , where at and how much was it for you? I have the luxury of working for a major airlines co. so the cost of airfare isnt a problem. Thanks all for your time

do comb in

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DO NOT let cost influence your choice. If you cant afford things at the moment then wait until you can. This is your body your talking about so go slow and go to the right Doctor.

Good luck


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Seconded, do you want to wear economy style hair for the rest of your life?


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I agree. And technology will be better in 5 years, but you only get one shot at your body.


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I posted this topic over a year ago and wanted to say that I did not go to Asia. I haven't had any work done as yet. I wanted to thank you guys who had responded. I DID take all of your advice into account and glad for it. My hair is still receding of course , in fact it seems to have stepped up the pace unfortunately. Hopefully there may be something on the horizon in the research to restore. Thanks


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I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the idea. People are going overseas for a lot of medical procedures these days.

It's just a matter of finding a reputable clinic. Of course I have no idea how to go about that..