packaging announcing your insecurity.


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will 2% spironolactone from Dr.lee show up in a bright package showing everyone that i'm losing my hair?? same with folligen, is the packaging discreet?


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Are you serious man? Come on brother, are you really worried about that.....anyways, it does come in a discreet package, at least mine did.

Tony Montana


I ordered some folligen a couple of years back from Dr Lee.

Although it only took around 10 days to get to me in the U.K. it did come in an enormous inflatable penis kinda thing with "Doctor Lee's Bald Cream for the critically bald stamped all over the main shaft, (the 'd in 'Bald' had worn away in the jounrney from the 'ol US and the wording looked more like 'Doctor Lee's Ball Cream' so I was saved any embarassment). The thing was big! (10 or 12 foot if I remember correctly?) way too big to go through my letter box, and as I was away at the time, the courier that Dr Lee uses (Man!-Oh!-Man! Homosexual Deliveries or something?) kindly tied it up in my front garden for the week or so until I got back, luckily, even with all the flapping around in the wind, rubbing and squeeking day and night, my single tube of folligen was kept in pristine condition.

Although I was suprised the batteries in the vibrating balls and loud-speaker lasted through 7 days of Gloria Gaynor's 'Gay Disco' Classic 'I Will Survive' at such a loud volume.



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tynanW said:
I ordered some folligen a couple of years back from Dr Lee.

Although it only took around 10 days to get to me in the U.K. it did come in an enormous inflatable penis kinda thing with "Doctor Lee's Bald Cream for the critically bald stamped all over the main shaft, (the 'd in 'Bald' had worn away in the jounrney from the 'ol US and the wording looked more like 'Doctor Lee's Ball Cream' so I was saved any embarassment). The thing was big! (10 or 12 foot if I remember correctly?) way too big to go through my letter box, and as I was away at the time, the courier that Dr Lee uses (Man!-Oh!-Man! Homosexual Deliveries or something?) kindly tied it up in my front garden for the week or so until I got back, luckily, even with all the flapping around in the wind, rubbing and squeeking day and night, my single tube of folligen was kept in pristine condition.

Although I was suprised the batteries in the vibrating balls and loud-speaker lasted through 7 days of Gloria Gaynor's 'Gay Disco' Classic 'I Will Survive' at such a loud volume.


Too damn funny!!!! Your are a genious!


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It will be discreet, trust me. Nothing to worry about. Not unless the mail man is going thin and orders from Dr. Lee himself. Then he would know.