
Panicking 19 turning 20, am I going to be bald early?


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Im not worried about going bald in my lifetime because eventually most men do if they live long enough. Im worried whether im going to lose it in my 20s - 30s

tldr: should i start worrying about hairloss? what norwood am i? should i take minoxidil now?

5 years ago my teacher talked about receding hairlines being a symptom of early baldness, i didnt worry about it that much cause i thought hair transplant was a miracle cure already. I just found out yesterday that this isnt the case and now im panicking. Im torn whether i should start taking minoxidil to slow it down or not. But i havent noticed a change in my temples in 5 years, probably because i didnt look at it that much. I pretty much kept it unkempt.

I have really really thick hair but i found out via google that it has nothing to do with preventing baldness. That the actor from House M.D. has thick hair then got bald blah blah.
No one in my relatives has early MPD although their hair do get thinner by the time their really old.

I took pictures of my hair both dry and wet, the right temple(on my side) is the most receded and is the most bothering part. What norwood am i? Should I start taking minoxidil?

EDIT: i used the front camera of my phone for the photos here. heres a closer view for miniturization


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Established Member
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Looks like your hair are almost perfect atm.If you havent seen any diff in templer or hairline since 5 years than there should be no problem really.Most men are receding on the hairline and temples a bit ,compared to when they where childs. Its called "mature hairline". But i dont think you ll have problems with baldness in the next time, i dont even see any miniaturized hair. Just take photos every 5-6 months and compare it.
i would be happy if i had the hair u have,and im 20 too :p


New Member
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Looks like your hair are almost perfect atm.If you havent seen any diff in templer or hairline since 5 years than there should be no problem really.Most men are receding on the hairline and temples a bit ,compared to when they where childs. Its called "mature hairline". But i dont think you ll have problems with baldness in the next time, i dont even see any miniaturized hair. Just take photos every 5-6 months and compare it.
i would be happy if i had the hair u have,and im 20 too :p

Thanks! I started worrying about it yesterday after i recalled a traumatic incident and my mom said its just my general anxiety disorder acting up again after being taken of meds. You dont know how much stress you saved me bro, goodluck to both of us whether it be hairloss or general anxiety! :)