Parents react to baldness/Shaved head! Pretty darn shocking!


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Found this on youtube (lots of interesting hair loss related stuff there). The guy finally accepts his hairloss and decides to shave, but just look at his parent's reaction.....what happened to being supportive? Sadly this is an example of what NORMAL people or the MAJORITY think of baldness:




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His receding hairline wasnt even THAT terrible. Those are old conservative folks, thats why they reacted like that.


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Lets be fair, he was provoking that reaction, clearly to make an amusing video by laughing in their face the whole time. They are clearly old and conservative as Barcafan said and due to him laughing the whole time and waving a camera in their face, probably thought he'd done it just to piss them off (Especially when he wasn't that bald)- So not your average people, I've never seen a reaction like that. I don't think he needed any 'support', he didn't seem to care much. If he came home crying, their reaction would likely to have been different.

Looked ok shaved in my opinion.


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A bit similar to my mum when I buzzed it off. Lets face it no mother wants to see her boy with a skinhead, abit like no mother wants to see their son covered in tattoo's or with a facial peircing. Its a big reality check is'nt it.
I dont think this was a total suprise though I'm sure that guy must've tried talking about his hairloss. He did mention about not wanting to put chemicals on his head anymore so I guess they knew he was on minoxidil.

The father did'nt seem keen to talk about it, I'm guessing the parents had been skirting around the whole issue so he decided to force the issue.
Good video though.


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s.a.f said:
A bit similar to my mum when I buzzed it off. Lets face it no mother wants to see her boy with a skinhead,.

Glad that stigma really doesn't exist in the US...a dude with shaved head is just a guy with a shaved head. In most circles anyway.


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yeah, a lot of guys here shave their heads. Every guy in my chemical engineering class did it at one point, and then grew it back out.


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Why do you think Prince William has'nt buzzed it? Over here its the hairstyle of choice for the Chav generation.


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s.a.f said:
Why do you think Prince William has'nt buzzed it? Over here its the hairstyle of choice for the Chav generation.

When you buzz it, I think you tell the world you don't like the horse shoe and you want to look young. When you leave it 1/2 inch long, you tell the world you have accepted baldness and are not chasing young girls anymore. When you grow it over an inch long, you are in denial that you are even going bald. Most politicians are looked down on if they try to chase young pretty women. That is why most of them don't shave their heads. I think McCain as a bit of a comb over, even though it is just a few strands and not hiding anything. A combover is laughable to young pretty women, but is accepted by older society. He is still seen as mature.


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Yeah anyways... buzz cuts/short hair is in. I got mine recently and my friend liked it so much inspired him to buzz. He wasnt even really balding. Another friend with Chewbacca hair buzzed. It's so much more acceptable now; granted depending WHERE you live and type of people. Also a total shave on a pale tatoo'd skinny awk looking guy may receive a skinhead/neo nazi remark. Anyways; my buzz was the best thing Ive done in a while.

And the guy in that video - provoking a predictable response from his folks, he knew what he was doing by his reaction. So your conclusion that this is what NORMAL people or the MAJORITY think of baldness is completely generalizing and overstating. If I showed you a video about an average looking unsuspecting guy beating up a midget and saying short people make him angry, would you conclude that's what sadly, the majority of people think about midgets? Come on now... there are certainly people, esp parents and mothers who would second guess an action and look.

My mom when I buzzed was supportive but hated me doing it. Now she sort of likes it. My dad, well he's bald and hated the idea. Still does. But he's stubborn =) Everyone else I know likes it a lot.

uncomfortable man

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I have to agree with the dad, he didn't have to do that. A receeding hairline does not constitute shaving your head. Sure the parents over reacted, but I think their son is the one who really over reacted by shaving it when he didn't have to. He just threw the baby out with the bathwater with that one. The only time anyone should shave their head is when the hair lost creates a negative space of scalp on the head like a bald spot on the crown or a horseshoe. This guy represents so many people on this forum that I just want to shake and say hey, you're not f*****g bald, snap out of it!


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I don't the parents reaction is because he is balding, thats for sure. There over the top, appauling reaction is just because he shaved his head.


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thenational said:
I don't the parents reaction is because he is balding, thats for sure. There over the top, appauling reaction is just because he shaved his head.

Umm I thought that was a given? :lost:


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uncomfortable man said:
I have to agree with the dad, he didn't have to do that. A receeding hairline does not constitute shaving your head. Sure the parents over reacted, but I think their son is the one who really over reacted by shaving it when he didn't have to. He just threw the baby out with the bathwater with that one. The only time anyone should shave their head is when the hair lost creates a negative space of scalp on the head like a bald spot on the crown or a horseshoe. This guy represents so many people on this forum that I just want to shake and say hey, you're not f****ing bald, snap out of it!

But he is "balding". Why not just accept it now and move on?


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My Regimen
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I've seen this before, I thought it was funny. Reflects my folks reactions, although they got used to it pretty quickly.

uncomfortable man

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I just don't think that his balding is advanced enough to constitute shaving his head all the way down. It would be one thing if he did it because he liked the way it looked, but he admitted it was because he was balding. I feel like I am forced to buzz my hair down all the way and maintain it like that because I am an nw6. That is what most of us do but this guy has plenty of hair on the top of his head to get away with growing it out.

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
Why do you think Prince William has'nt buzzed it? Over here its the hairstyle of choice for the Chav generation.

It is true that over hear in the uk the skinhead look is for chavs! I personally think its better to buzz it back and sides (about a grade 2) and then keep it short and neat on top. Then put a bit of concealer over the thinning areas. Ok its a boring haircut but given the choice of this and looking like a chav I would prefer the boring haircut!