Partial Hair Systems?


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I find the whole hair transplant option a little too drastic. scars on the back of my head. redness in my scalp. and above all it still takes a few months to grow from what i've read.

i have severe thinning on the back and crown of my scalp and frontal receding, especially at the temples. can i fix this with some form of partial hair system?

the idea of a full blown wig scares me to death. is there a localised option i can look at?

thanks in advance.


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They work about the same. To fix a smaller unit, they shave a massive hole around you crown, so it can be firmly attached. When I saw the promo videos i though they just covered the bald areas, but the problem is if they do that it has to be re-glued every week, at $50 a time, forget it.

Just shave off your hair, don't wear a fuckin wig for 5 years, and feel like a paranoid monster.


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trust me you will get sooooo tired of the " bald " head it will depress you. i been doing it since i was 21 or so and im 30 now. i just want to change and being bald leaves me trapped in this hell


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norwood_6 said:
trust me you will get sooooo tired of the " bald " head it will depress you. i been doing it since i was 21 or so and im 30 now. i just want to change and being bald leaves me trapped in this hell

so are you suggesting that shaving the head runs its course after a while?

you want hair back?