Partial hair transplant (advice desperately needed)


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Hey everyone. I want to, firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I just joined the forums because I need second opinions and perhaps a pointer to a post with the information I seek. I have come up with a way to get my hair back. If you don't want to read my hair loss story, skipped to TLDR for my proposed solution.

I started balding at around 18 years old. By 21, you could see though all of my hair in direct sunlight. By 23, I had to wear hats everywhere. By 26, it was totally gone. I first experimented with hair systems but found that they were fairly easy to spot. All one needed to do was glance at the front hairline for but a moment and the whole facade would crumble. So then I went to a credited doctor and he told me I was not a candidate for hair transplant surgery, as I had lost too much already (was a good, honest doctor). So, defeated, I shaved my head. I have been shaving it ever since, and I am now 28. I am comfortable with my shaved head, I guess. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, and most of the time I forget about it. But, I really do miss my hair...then I had an idea.


In order to restore my hair, I will combine the best features of a hair transplant and a hair system. I will graft a front hairline and wear a hair system behind that (the front hairline would only be about an inch deep). It combines the best of both worlds, I think. I consulted my doctor and he said as long as I didn't mind the hair system that he thought it was doable, and that he had done a couple of surgeries like that with excellent results. But I am still worried. I won't be able to just shave my head if it turns out that it isn't as stealthy as I thought. Has anyone else tried this method (I tried searching but couldn't find anything relevant) or have any pictures or 'proof of concept'?


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My Regimen
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I Guess its a reasonable thought.
You can still always shave when you want to BUT you will deal with an awkward growth stage when people around you see balding stubble only for you to appear with a thick head of hair the next day.

Not sure if the idea of people knowing your using a piece bothers you but you did hate that they used to.