pattern of hair loss


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I have been experience hair loss for almost a year now. My derm says repetative bouts of Telogen Effluvium from switching BCP's and then going off of them but I am concerned it might have triggered Androgenetic Alopecia, even though I'm only 26, because both my mother and my father have very thin hair. While I have gotten extrememly thin all over, I have noticed the majority of my loss is from my sides, especially right above my ears, and I also have a semi-circular area that has gotten really thin in the middle of my bang area. I really hate this area and it seems like the circle is spreading backwards to my crown and just getting larger and larger. Am I correct that with Androgenetic Alopecia, you usually have sparing of the frontal region in females? Has anyone else had similar hair loss patterns to this and does anyone know if this pattern of loss means something? THanks so much!


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Hi Kerry,
Well my hairloss is similiar. I have Androgenetic Alopecia...and at first my shed was at the top of my head near the front.....then like a wave it shed all when I lift my hair up I see that I have shed a lot on the sides....I'm not sure if its just the way my hair is sitting...or if its more that the top or sounds like you have diffuse hair loss as well similiar to mine although I haven't noticed a semicircular area in the top of my head yet :shock: