PBS mentions taking proscar instead of propecia


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Very interesting article. It has always been considered taboo to mention such a thing in public, and of course Merck frowns on it heavily. Most doctors consider it "prescribing for off-label purposes" as well, and strongly disagree with prescribing proscar. I've hit more than a couple roadblocks myself when I was on it. Nice to see that its out there and being talked about.

Also nice to see the guy was on Propecia (finasteride) alone and says he's maintaining a full head of hair, and the results were so good that his friend decided to try it.

Propecia is enough for many new hair loss sufferers.



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DIANA HUNTER JONES: Initially, Ron's insurance company reimbursed for Proscar but not for Propecia, giving him yet another incentive to take the prostate medication. But experts say splitting Proscar pills to save money can be dangerous.

RAYMOND WOOSLEY, MD: "I would say unless the pill is meant to be split, don't try it."

DIANA HUNTER JONES: Doctor Raymond Woosley is a drug specialist at Georgetown University Medical Center. He says by splitting Proscar or any pills, patients may get too much or too little of the active ingredients. And they may be putting themselves at risk for potentially dangerous side effects.

RAYMOND WOOSLEY, MD: "They need to be fully aware that the pill they're taking wasn't tested in the way they're using it, so it's an experiment."