Peach Fuzz!


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Today I found a dense layer of extremely fine white hairs across my hairline and extending from 1 to 3 inches in front of the existing hairline :shock: . It extends forward proportionally more in the areas that are more recessed. If this were to grow out I would have a totally new smooth, rounded hairline without the "M" shape in front. This fuzz was not there yesterday.
Given I practically just started treatment, I was totally shocked. I assumed the quickest results could come from the minoxidil, but that the soonest I could possibly expect to see any results would be in 2 months. :eek:

My routine is basically the "big 3":
8/2/2004 Begin Proscar 1.25mg daily.
8/4/2004 Begin Minoxidil 5% topical (Eckerds) BID.
8/5/2004 Begin Nizoral 1% shampoo 3X / week. (so far 2 treatments)
8/8/2004 1 mm fine white peach fuzz noted at hairline (I can’t see the rest of my head to check the crown and vertex).

Has anyone else had this happen so fast?

Maybe the fuzz was there earlier and I didn't see it, but I swear I studied the scalp in detail shining a high intensity LED headlight across the top of my scalp and it was totally devoid of this "fuzz" until today.[/b]


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i think most people see some type of peach fuzz, not sure about that soon though. some people see peach fuzz mature a bit, particularly when theyre on minoxidil, but a lot dont, so its not always something you should get too excited about.

i noticed peach fuzz soon after id started treatment. it came and went throughout treatment but never matured. im only on finasteride though.

to notice it that soon? hmm. well maybe the follicles have been shocked into starting producing. but dont get too excited by that, this is probably just a temporary bit of fuzz growth that wont mature, not any time soon anyway. but hey, least it shows your body is reacting to the treatments, which can only be a good sign, hey. alternatively of course it couldve been there before, but its plausible that its just appeared i think. dont get too excited though. yet ;)


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asolof said:
Has anyone else had this happen so fast?

I believe Deaner has, or at least believes that he has. It's hard to tell :D

I noticed peach fuzz at the hairline at about week 7. I'm also not sure if it was there before or not, but I'm pretty sure it's new. I'm actually supposed to start seeing some results around month 2, so it does make sense.


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Deaner, no! only kidding you, c'mon you can take a joke can't you??


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Yea man, I can take a joke. But it seems like my results are a joke to everybody too, obviously I jumped the gun with the side effects shite in the beginning, granted, but I'm definitely seeing the peach fuzz. It took at least 2 or 3 weeks for that to become visible though, that wasn't the first 6 hours by any means. The thing is, it hasn't gotten any better than peach fuzz in the last 2 months, except for a bit in my temples, tiny black hairs all over the place, about 1-2mm from the hairline.

I just dunno when all the ridicule is gonna stop, guess I deserve it, but I'd like any reports of my progress from here on in to at least be taken partially seriously. I think we can all feed off each others' experiences, good, bad, or otherwise.


Deaner, I really think people are just messing with you, no harm intended, it happens, when it happens to me, I just give a little back, just fun, no real problem. It's not like your the first to jump onto the early result thing, most of us here have starred in the mirror on day 3 of taking propecia and thought.."what the f***, I ain't seen those before!" I have done it, I am sure 90% of people here have. Don't let it get to you.


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Yea, I'm a bit tired and cranky, guess it just hit me the wrong way there. Thinking about your hairloss just adds to an already poor mood.


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Peach fuzz update.

Today, the fuzz is noticably longer, grown an extra 1 mm to perhaps 2 - 2.5 mm in length. In some areas there is a trace of brown pigment. I no longer need the LED headlight beem shining tangentially to see it. In fact, I can see it from 2 to 3 feet away in the mirror, provided I tilt my head back to allow the room light to shine across the area. It seems to be growing at about the rate my beard grows if I don't shave it.


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As for the ridicule: I think you just gotta change your avatar man. Everything will fall in place when you disengage that serial pedophile from your name and profile.



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Peach fuzz update,

The layer of peach fuzz has stabilized. There is a rather dense layer of this extremely fine whitish hair. I hope that this developes more, but at this time it is still peach fuzz. However, since 2 days ago i'm starting to grow some new hair around my hairline (different than the peach fuzz). I can't see the rest of my scalp in detail to know if other areas are affected. These new hairs are black and thick. I count 35 of them at this time. Some are located as much as 1 cm in front of my existing hairline. 35 hairs may not be much, but I'd rather have 35 more than 35 less. Hopefully, more will follow.


Asolof, that sounds just like me, a thick growth of velus hair beneath the jungle canopy and a little bit of sparse but thick and black new hairs around the hairline, like you say better a few more new ones than a few more in the hair cemetry


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Peach Fuzz Update:

Since how regrowing hair progresses is a recurrent topic in this group, I thought I'd post another update. The layer of peach fuzz is somewhat denser than before. The individual white velus hairs of the fuzz are noticibly thicker. The fuzz itself is cosmetically insignificant.

The new black thicker hairs within the peach fuzz that had been first noticed about a month ago have now grown to about 1 cm and are beginning to be difficult to distinguish from the longer, previously present terminal hairs. These new hairs are relatively sparse, but are beginning to have minimal cosmetic effect. There are more new thin black terminal hairs appearing in different stages / lengths. These newer black hairs are only 3 - 5 mm and are very thin (like the other ones were one month ago). They are slightly more dense than the 1st crop of new terminal hairs.

This growth includes the hairline.

Just to be sure I wasn't imagining all this, I asked my hair transplant doctor (during a consultation) to take a look. While he was looking, he scanned the top of my head with a video camera with a magnifying lense so I could simultaneously view on the monitor what he was looking at. So it is real.

It is too soon to say how much will regrow, what cosmetic effect it will have, and how long it will last. So far it is encouraging.

Anyways, since people frequently ask what does regrowth looks like when it first starts, and how does it progress, I thought this would be helpful.


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Deaner, I'm sorry if what I said came off as harsh.

Looking back at it, I guess it did come across as being mean.

I was seriously responding though, and wanted to mention to asolof that you had had results this quickly. However, I was a bit skeptical of your results, and I wanted to mention that somehow too.

Anyway, sorry for any hurt feelings. I didn't mean to ridicule you.

Asolof, good to hear you're having results!


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I experienced a lot of extra "fuzz" growth very quickly after starting Finasteride.

In my case a growth spurt of fuzz has pretty much always been followed by either the new fuzzy hairs continuing to grow and thicken, or falling out and new strong hairs (If somewhat fine) growing in their place.

It’s an assumption, but the fuzzy hairs usually just vanish though by that time there seems to be a lot of thinker, darker growth in the area. A few days ago I noticed two patches of fuzz on each temple, so I’ll keep an eye on them and even try to get some macro photographs.

I'm only about a year in, and I think this has happened about 4 times so far as the new hair growth has spread across my scalp.



GeminiX said:
I experienced a lot of extra "fuzz" growth very quickly after starting Finasteride.

In my case a growth spurt of fuzz has pretty much always been followed by either the new fuzzy hairs continuing to grow and thicken, or falling out and new strong hairs (If somewhat fine) growing in their place.

It’s an assumption, but the fuzzy hairs usually just vanish though by that time there seems to be a lot of thinker, darker growth in the area. A few days ago I noticed two patches of fuzz on each temple, so I’ll keep an eye on them and even try to get some macro photographs.

I'm only about a year in, and I think this has happened about 4 times so far as the new hair growth has spread across my scalp.


Before I started finasteride I noticed that when I combed my hair I could see tiny fine white hairs, If I pulled them they would seem kind of stretchy and snap in two. Now I don't get this after a few months of finasteride. Maybe that's a good sign.

I know one thing though. finasteride aint turning me into the fallen maddona with the big boobies just yet. I wonder if my ex girls tits are still growing?