Penis Shrinkage With Hairloss Medinine Dustasteride?


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I have been on dutasteride now for 2 years. What I have noticed recently is problems of erectile dysfunction and penis shrinkage of about 2-3 cm

Can it be reversed?or will it shrink more?


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Erect or flaccid? You know 3cm is a really big difference. Have you actually ever measured it before?

Who Farted

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Some degree of ED is one of the drugs most common side effects. A shrunken penis is rare, but can occur. As to prognosis, anecdotal evidence shows that the effect tends to be on the permanent side of things, but some report getting a portion of it back 3-12 months after cessation.


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I'd hapilly give a few cm of my dick size for my hair back, anyway, you should be getting hard erections as often as possible when taking these drugs or the dick can shrink i think. You may not be getting nocturnal erections on dutasteride.


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Some degree of ED is one of the drugs most common side effects. A shrunken penis is rare, but can occur. As to prognosis, anecdotal evidence shows that the effect tends to be on the permanent side of things, but some report getting a portion of it back 3-12 months after cessation.

damn that sucks bad


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I'd hapilly give a few cm of my dick size for my hair back, anyway, you should be getting hard erections as often as possible when taking these drugs or the dick can shrink i think. You may not be getting nocturnal erections on dutasteride.

I was on nofap for last 45 days
during this interval only it happened


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This is the stupidest sh*t. If you're on dutasteride, it's very possible you might have weaker erections. And with weaker erections, it will not be as big as it would if you had a rager. Very simple to understand. It's unbelievable how one would think anatomy would lose physical size from a 5ar inhibitor.


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This is the stupidest sh*t. If you're on dutasteride, it's very possible you might have weaker erections. And with weaker erections, it will not be as big as it would if you had a rager. Very simple to understand. It's unbelievable how one would think anatomy would lose physical size from a 5ar inhibitor.

Hopefully u r Right
I am trying to have full erection bt failing
how do u know u are having weaker erection?

Some guys earlier have made post abt dutasteride finasteride messing dick so was scared


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Hopefully u r Right
I am trying to have full erection bt failing
how do u know u are having weaker erection?

Some guys earlier have made post abt dutasteride finasteride messing dick so was scared
Jesus... You just know.

Y r u mentioning to me something I already addressed. I don't like to be harsh, but stop listening to nonsense.

I'm on finasteride, I personally would opt not too take dutasteride, at some point you're pushing your luck with your hormonal profile.


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The shrinkage is just from decreased erection strength. Go and take a ton of v**** and suddenly your erection will be 20% bigger

Who Farted

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Man of beating off made you go bald every high school would be chalk full of shiny heads.


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Lol is this true? I'm planning on taking Finas but I read somewhere that these side effects happen only to 2-3% of the people taking it...


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Taking dutasteride for an extended period, like 2 years, can sometimes lead to side effects such as erectile dysfunction and, in some cases, perceived penile shrinkage. It's possible that reduced blood flow or hormonal changes caused by the medication could contribute to these issues. While some men may experience improvement after discontinuing the medication, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to discuss your specific case.

To accurately track any changes, it might be helpful how to measure your penis. Websites like dickcalculator offer guidance on how to measure both length and girth properly, so you can monitor any changes more precisely. Make sure to measure while erect for a more consistent comparison.