People are confused by my regrowth.

Green Soap

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I used to get mocked a lot before about my hair. I never took it personally, though, that's life, you know.

I got along just fine. Then I found this site and started minoxidil exactly six bottles (less than 6 months) ago. 5%.

I trimmed my hair way down and just went with it. Basically shaved it. Glad I did. Looked WAY better and I know if I continue to lose hair, I don't care, I've got my clippers.

Well, the regrowth has been flipping amazing. Looks like I lucked out big time.

Diffuse thinner, still good coverage but was very thin all over to where it just looked horrible if grown out.

and people's reactions are rather interesting.

All of it has simply stopped. Nobody has anything negative to say about my hair anymore.

In fact, a lot of people come up and rub my head and kind of look at it as if they are confused.

Like a great white shark bumping something that looks like prey but turns out to be a floating box. Confusion. it's hilarious.

And it's great. I don't have to wear gel in my hair anymore, it's beginning to stand up straight on it's own. I even comb it now, lol.

I can now, if I want to, jump out of the shower, towel off, and run out the door whearas before I would stand in the mirror for an hour, agonizing over whether I should really go out or not.

So...I know I've promised pics and I will try to get a digicam soon but who knows when I'll get around to it.

Anyway, I'm not on my 5th day of fincar as well, so I imagine I'll have a little shed in about a month or so.

But it's cool, my minoxidil has created such a surge that the finasteride shed shouldn't be so bad.



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Teetering on the edge said:
Then I found this site and started minoxidil exactly six bottles (less than 6 months) ago. 5%.

Well, the regrowth has been flipping amazing.
Congratulations! Yes its funny to watch people who are usually rude, try to figure out something rude to say, and come up blank. :)


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HairlossTalk said:
Teetering on the edge said:
Then I found this site and started minoxidil exactly six bottles (less than 6 months) ago. 5%.

Well, the regrowth has been flipping amazing.
Congratulations! Yes its funny to watch people who are usually rude, try to figure out something rude to say, and come up blank. :)

Urgh, you are so right.. people can be assholes.. Every time I get an hair transplant everyone I know has something bad to say about it... Like "I can't see the difference" or "you wasted your money."


Do you apply minoxidil once or twice a day and what brand do you use?

Red Rose

Experienced Member
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I'm sure they mock you about lot's of other things besides your hair.

So don't worry.