People are more attracted to people who resemble them.


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It has to do with our desire to perpetuate our genes. We want to pass on our genes, but why get 50% when you can have closer to 100%? People are attracted to someone who is a better version of themself. If you could mate with an alien species that was more fit than other matches, but had nothing in common with you, then your offspring would not be enough like you for you to think you actually passed on your genes.

But even if you could pass your genes on forever, would you want to if you knew there was a bad world ahead of them? The ones that will take that challenge are the ones that survive. The ones that want the easy route just enjoy this live.


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What percentage of genes goes towards the way you look................. :whistle:

It is all in the smell....................... :whistle:


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Attraction is abit more complicated than that. Theres actually more than just looks.
Things like pheromones play a part, and the best ofspring will actually come from mixing the most diverse genetics.

Think about it mongrel dogs are nearly always stronger and healthier and live longer and suffer less genetic disorders than pure bred dogs.

I remember watching a show with the scientist/genetiscist Sir Robert Whinston where a woman had to smell 10 t-shirts that had been worn by 10 different men and rate them on which smelled best to worst.
When they anaylised the results she'd put them in perfect order of which men had the most opposing genes to hers the one with the closest being rated worst whilst the one with the most diverse genetics being her favourite.


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I both agree and disagree.

I agree that we are more likely to "choose" someone who is from a similar background. Having similar backgrounds means that the relationship would be more stable and that's good for the offspring.

However, I also agree with everything SAF is saying. When it comes to the passing the gene instinct, we are probably more likely to look for diversity. I do believe we are programmed to avoid similar genes, as the likelihood of faulty genes coming together is higher.


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I don't know. I'm extremely attracted to my wife and we couldn't be more different looking IMO.

Examples: I'm 6'1'' she is 4'10''
I have very black hair, her's is a coppery red.
I am stick thin, she is curvy(in a good way)
I have a naturally tan complexion, she is very pale.
I have dark green eyes, her's are very light blue

I agree that it must be a smell thing, because I absolutely adore her smell :p

(sucks what she said attracted her to me in the first place was my hair, which is def not as nice as it was when we met..though that is improving with time I think/hope)


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s.a.f said:
Attraction is abit more complicated than that. Theres actually more than just looks.
Things like pheromones play a part, and the best ofspring will actually come from mixing the most diverse genetics.

Think about it mongrel dogs are nearly always stronger and healthier and live longer and suffer less genetic disorders than pure bred dogs.

I remember watching a show with the scientist/genetiscist Sir Robert Whinston where a woman had to smell 10 t-shirts that had been worn by 10 different men and rate them on which smelled best to worst.
When they anaylised the results she'd put them in perfect order of which men had the most opposing genes to hers the one with the closest being rated worst whilst the one with the most diverse genetics being her favourite.

This is true! and very famous experiment too. i think it has to do with survivability since in-family inbreeds create fucked up offspring with severe genetic defects... this is why we are attracted (in the micro level) to the ones who are very different from us on that level.
also there's the need for diversity (and who knows... maybe diversity is needed for evolution to take place, and whoever "designed us", made us in such way that if we mix inside our own families and genetic pool we will get those defected offspring) nature is some fucked up sh*t!