People Moving On While I'm Stuck In A Rut


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I always had somewhat special attraction towards Far Eastern women (specifically from Japan , South Korea). I started chatting with a girl from Japan 3 years ago. It was innocuous and innocent and we chatted for a few months and then it all went into holiday and birthday greetings. I always wanted to travel to Far East and possibly meet some women there but my hairloss prevented me.
Today that girl got married. The guy she married is a white guy very similar to me. I wish them all the best but still a part of me thinks it could have been me. I'm just writing this thread to vent. Just tired of this hairloss...


Established Member
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Thank you. I guess this hair loss thing really put on hold a lot of our plans. And I'm only getting older. There is light on the end of the tunnel though.


My Regimen
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Thank you. I guess this hair loss thing really put on hold a lot of our plans. And I'm only getting older. There is light on the end of the tunnel though.

its true this past 6 months or so since i first started really dealing with it i am hyper focused hyper self conscious about it..constantly researching it and I'm addicted to this site as if its going to magically come up with a solution.