Peppermint and Spearmint experience


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I just bought 2 bottles of 100% pure essential oil from Whole foods (Aura cacia). One is peppermint other is spearmint.

The experience I wanted to run is to put few drops of P. on my right forehead and above beard area and S. on the left one. The area is relatively greasy, very hairy.

However this is day one and I think I have been doing something wrong :whistle: ... they burn like hell !!! they r 100 % Am I supposed to mix them with water and how much.. otherwise, no wonder they remove hair and grease, since they might even remove the skin !

Pls let me know so I continue with my experiment...

Nashville Hairline

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ALWAYS use a carrier oil for essential oils.

I don't know what concentrations though.


Experienced Member
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Oh yeah thanks...
I am new to all this..
can you be more specific .. anyone ?


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waynakyo said:
I just bought 2 bottles of 100% pure essential oil from Whole foods (Aura cacia). One is peppermint other is spearmint.

The experience I wanted to run is to put few drops of P. on my right forehead and above beard area and S. on the left one. The area is relatively greasy, very hairy.

However this is day one and I think I have been doing something wrong :whistle: ... they burn like hell !!! they r 100 % Am I supposed to mix them with water and how much.. otherwise, no wonder they remove hair and grease, since they might even remove the skin !

Pls let me know so I continue with my experiment...

Mix the oils in a bottle with water. Try to use a container that is dark colored to protect it from light. (damages e.oils).

Michael barry used a 1/40 mix of e.oil and water i believe... search for his posts on the subject. He expalined that the peppermint oil-water mix dramatically reduced facial hair where he applied it after a few months.


Essential oils like Peppermint and Spearmint must NOT be used alone and it's usually best mixed with a carrier oil like Jojoba, Coconut or even Olive oil. Not sure of the measurements but I would just get like 100ml of carrier oil and add 5-7 drops of essential oil.

My experience of Peppermint has been interesting. I drank Peppermint tea (1 or 2 large cups a day) for several months. Shed body hair a lot, noticed it in my bed, in the bath and I could tell my arms were less hairy than usual. I quit drinking it a month ago and at the same time started MSM supplements, now my body hair has increased alot, even my sister made a comment that my arms were a lot more hairy than before.

I decided to start the tea again but this time the stronger Spearmint tea. Nothing to report yet, the MSM is not helping with body hair, it just increases it but maybe the Spearmint can reduce it a bit.

As for scalp hair, I noticed no results... neither negative or positive.


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I do notice when I use them (in my shampoos) that there is more circulation on my scalp for a little while. At least I feel it tingling so something is going on there, but I don't know if actually effects hair growth.

Please keep us posted,