Perament haIr tattoo?



The only thing I sew is a lame tamporery make up, is there a permeant tattoo out there that will never fade?


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Forget it, it's a stupid idea. What if someone decides to feel your "hair" and there's nothing in there?

uncomfortable man

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There is always something up there. It's never totally smooth. Even now when I feel the top there something there.


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I'm sure I see slick bald guys every day.


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ghg said:
I'm sure I see slick bald guys every day.

I am slick on top :dunno:

uncomfortable man

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ghg said:
I'm sure I see slick bald guys every day.

Yeah but do you feel bald guys every day? :gay:


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My NW6 felt slick, you must still have plenty of vellus hair up there that will dissapear in time.

uncomfortable man

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Didn't scientists recently discover that the hair never actually completely dies, hence never really disappears? Of course they can diminish to the point where a tactile difference can be felt, which is why I wouldn't consider MP without an hair transplant/BHT to make it more convincing. Money is really the only issue. I'm lower class working at nine dollars an hour with a kid, unlike someone like SAF who is upper middle class, single with a high paying job.


ghg said:
Forget it, it's a stupid idea. What if someone decides to feel your "hair" and there's nothing in there?
Dosent matter if they know it's a tattoo I still look much better


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uncomfortable man said:
Didn't scientists recently discover that the hair never actually completely dies, hence never really disappears?
The follicle does'nt 'die' but it does go dormant and stop producing a hair shaft.

Ucman said:
I'm lower class working at nine dollars an hour with a kid, unlike someone like SAF who is upper middle class, single with a high paying job.

High paying job? I wish. I'm just very prudent.


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s.a.f said:
Ucman said:
I'm lower class working at nine dollars an hour with a kid, unlike someone like SAF who is upper middle class, single with a high paying job.

High paying job? I wish. I'm just very prudent.

peasants :)

i live in a palace/mansion/hotel that my parents own, i never work, jobs suck they are for poor people, that is what they are there for.


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Ah he's back for more humiliation.


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im swimming in pussy atm :)

uncomfortable man

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HairPieceMan said:
s.a.f said:
Ucman said:
I'm lower class working at nine dollars an hour with a kid, unlike someone like SAF who is upper middle class, single with a high paying job.

High paying job? I wish. I'm just very prudent.

peasants :)

i live in a palace/mansion/hotel that my parents own, i never work, jobs suck they are for poor people, that is what they are there for.

Cue the opening to Zach and Cody living the Suite Life from the Disney channel.


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im the fresh prince of fife (where i stay)

"mumzy, i want a girlfriend, buy me a girlfriend"

"i cant HPM, u need to figure that one out for yourself"

"i dont like doing things for myself, buy me it, give me it"

but yeah my big party should be happening soon, bring girls over to my house soon, ill let you know how it gets on.


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Pics or it did'nt happen.
Either that or invite the guy from the other thread who lives by you.

No ones going to believe it when you come on here saying you had 10 girls in your bedroom with the star wars bedsheets and little childhood plaque with your name on the door.


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Beingbaldsucks said:
The only thing I sew is a lame tamporery make up, is there a permeant tattoo out there that will never fade?

People who had it done at HIS 10 years ago have their treatment still going strong. It's not metal based either so it's easily removed via lasers too.