Perfect image solutions


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I just attempted to purchase more 15% from PIS and found out they had been shut down.

THIS IS TOTAL AND COMPLETE F*&%*&ING B*&^%*&%SH)*(&)(T!!!!!!!!!!

Perfect Image Solution was selling a GREAT and perfectly legitimate high quality product that was working well for many people including myself. TO say that I am PISSED OFF is a massive understatement.

This is what happens when big government and bureaucracy which includes non other than the FDA unleashes their tentacles into everything and ruins it for everyone. If it were up to the FDA they would probably ban Tylenol.

I feel very sorry for both the companies as well as the consumers that would like to produce and use minoxidil products with 15% concentrations. These products were recommended to me by THE VERY BEST HAIR LOSS DR'S in the business. But thats our government folks!

For now I have no choice but to use NOgaine.

If anyone has any thoughts , or knows anything about what is going on with these companies and products I would love to hear from you.

good luck to all.


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...and to add one more thing. Does anybody realize just how many men's health/sport nutrition/ and body building supplements and nutraceuticals there are that are sold regularly that ARE NOT FDA approved???????????

There are thousands. Literally. If the FDA wanted to they could find a reason to shut those down too... but they don't. Why is it that they pick on the minoxidil products????????? hmmmm...


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Calm Down, Y'all!

The FDA has limited resources to combat the onslaught of possible products that can achieve some profit for their distributors/makers before they are shut down by FDA action.
Consumers should be educated a little in how the system works. Basically, if you buy a fly-by-night product from a tiny manufacturer, you may get something well-produced (i.e. to cGMP=currentGoodManufacturingPractice standards), but probably not. That will of course more likely harm you if it's an injectable than if it's a topical, but still .... the FDA tries to balance the likelyhood of a benefit from a particular drug or combination with the potential for a harmful result. Just b/c a particular drug is sold in 5% strength, and has been clinically tested to meet the criteria combination of frequently-beneficial, rarely-harmful, and extremely-rarely-very-harmful, doesn't mean that a 10% or 15% strength would still meet the required criteria! This is b/c higher strengths cause higher doses absorbed, which more frequently lead to side effects like passing out from low blood pressure while driving.
If the FDA thinks the possibility for harmful side effects exists, and the particular strength or combination of drugs has not been tested by a manufacturer, reported to the FDA appropriately, and the FDA has reviewed and approved the data AND the manufacturer (equipment, procedures, quality control, packaging .... there's a lot that goes into it!), then the FDA is legally obliged to consider the product unlawful and shut the manufacture of it down (actually, the interstate distribution ... but it comes down to the same thing).
Now, if a licensed doctor thinks that you are a good candidate for trying the drug at the higher dosage, he/she can write a prescription for a pharmacist to prepare that kind of dosage. The pharmacist might then extract the drug from an already marketed tablet form, make you your lotion, and sell it to you. The responsibility is then on your doctor for explaining the risks to you, and on you for self monitoring and reporting any side effects promptly to your doctor for reconsideration of your treatment.
Just thinking about the whole process is enough to make you tear your hair out .... and that wouldn't be good.

...and to add one more thing. Does anybody realize just how many men's health/sport nutrition/ and body building supplements and nutraceuticals there are that are sold regularly that ARE NOT FDA approved???????????

There are thousands. Literally. If the FDA wanted to they could find a reason to shut those down too... but they don't. Why is it that they pick on the minoxidil products????????? hmmmm...


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My Regimen
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The FDA has limited resources to combat the onslaught of possible products that can achieve some profit for their distributors/makers before they are shut down by FDA action.
Consumers should be educated a little in how the system works. Basically, if you buy a fly-by-night product from a tiny manufacturer, you may get something well-produced (i.e. to cGMP=currentGoodManufacturingPractice standards), but probably not. That will of course more likely harm you if it's an injectable than if it's a topical, but still .... the FDA tries to balance the likelyhood of a benefit from a particular drug or combination with the potential for a harmful result.

This is a nice sentiment. But I think the previous poster was pointing out that the FDA goes on witch hunts over irrelevant things that are helping people. Maybe they don't realize they're targeting the wrong individuals / companies, but they do it on a regular basis. Meanwhile there are thousands of *ingested* supplements making absurd claims that are allowed to run rampant without FDA even noticing. The FDA went on a witch hunt and destroyed Dr. Richard Lee's livelihood and business - which hair loss sufferers had relied on for nearly 15 years. He was a legitimate doctor who put hundreds of hours into legitimate concern helping hair loss sufferers. He created custom minoxidil solutions for topical application. Then one day the FDA decided to make an example of him and put him literally out of business based on a silly requirement that it was a "new product". Well yeah - there are a lot of "new products" out there which people actually drink gallons of on a weekly basis. So since Lee was creating a new version of an existing product (minoxidil with a % content higher than 5%) the FDA decides he's a menace to society and should be destroyed. He lost everything. And literally thousands of hair loss sufferers were left without any treatments. Topical Minoxidil is one of the most harmless products on the market today. But the FDA would rather waste time on Lee (and other similar legitimate web sites) than go after glaringly obvious dangerous products.

This is what the previous poster was getting at.