Perhaps start a database of vendors?


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I'm about to finish my third month of using 1/5 pills of proscar...and I *think* I might be starting to see results. It looks like there are some fine hairs starting to come in around my temples.

But I'm not totally sure...

Which got me thinking that it would be neat if there were a database on here that listed known vendors, the products that have been purchased from them, and whether or not people see results.

For instance, I got my pills from Assuming I am seeing results, then I could go and post where I got my pills from and also say that the pills are legit. Then if lots of other people bought their pills from the same place, and also saw results, more people would have confidence that this vendor is on the level.

Then if hundreds of people buy from somewhere and none of them see results, we could use that info as well.

Does anyone have the power to set something like that up on this website?



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I re-read my last post, and it might not be totally clear.

What I'm trying to suggest (and not doing a very good job of), is that it would be neat if we compiled all of the information from the 20,000 posts on here that list where people bought their products from, what product they bought, how much they paid, what part of the world they're in, and whether or not they ever saw results.

This would probably put a big dent in the number of people that come on here and ask, "Where should I buy <product> from?"