persistent question! about finasteride and type of hair loss


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hi! as i said in other post my hair is a completly misery after a 6 mounth mark of finasteride use. before that (6 months mark)the results was great. ok, this is the old stuff, but now come the new question................
i am taking finasteride becouse i think my hairloss is hereditary and i need to low the levels of dht in my body. but how can you be sure that the cause of your hair loss is hereditary?going to a doctor? i went many times all the exams they do is to look at your hair and then give you the name of the medicine you can take. and that is always minoxidil or finasteride. but how can the f*****g doctor be sure that my hair loss is hereditary and i need to low the dht levels only seeing my hair!?!?!?

ok, now the most important question..... if my case is not hereditary and my hair loss is caused by another factor, can finasteride do bad for your hair? can it slow the levels of the hormones and you need that hormones becouse that is alright? or the only thing that can happen in that cases is the finasteride dont do any good or any bad? please every one try to answeer my question. and i sorry about my english, but i m not english i am portuguese. thancks guys! :lol:


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Re: persistent question! about finasteride and type of hair

KipWinger said:
but how can you be sure that the cause of your hair loss is hereditary?going to a doctor?
There is no diagnostic test for male pattern baldness. The best we can do is look at the other men in our family, specifically our brothers, fathers, and grandfathers on both sides. Also look for the grandfather that you most resemble hair-wise and you can sometimes estimate exactly how you will end up looking without treatment.

can finasteride do bad for your hair?
No. Propecia is a hair loss treatment. It does not harm hair.