Personal Microneedling Progress /w Monthly Updates


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I will update this post monthly so far this is my progress, regimen, and rationale.

2.0mm Microneddling(Derminator2) every other Sunday

Regenpure DR every other day with added ingredients
- 1gram 2% ketoconazole cream
-peppermint oil
-rosemary oil
Shampooing Instructions: Vigorous massage for 6 minutes, then let sit on scalp for 14

Daily 6 min scalp massage: No device necessary, just use your fingers, apply firm pressure

Topical: .2% Caffeine(100mg) 1% Taurine (500mg) .175% Zinc Sulfate(88mg) .125% pyridoxine hcl(63mg) all w/v in 50ml distilled water 2x/daily

Future considerations:
Actual PRP
Topical Finasteride.... or Breezula hopefully!

Unfortunately I cannot use Minoxidil, I have used it with great success in the past, however, I get the worst of the side effects, light headiness, heart palpation, dizziness, puffy face, and racoon eyes.

Definitely looking for a better topical, this is basically a modified Zix formula, not sure how effective this will be initially or long term. Zix does have a solid track record with many people over the years, so it is my go to now. I will always keep caffeine, it has the potential to work as well as minoxidil per one study(if it isn't a fraudulent study), it is cheap, in the quantities used it is completely benign...... Taurine is another great addition, it is an antifibrotic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and antistress agent, it is cheap, and even if it is absorbed into the blood stream, it will have a beneficial effect. I am currently using zix as my topical anti dht, but if my hair loss does not improve I will consider .125% topical finasteride. Ideally I would love to try to use just needling, lllt, and prp just to guinea pig this protocol to see the effect, however, good laser caps and real prp is expensive so I must stick with my cheap yet well researched protocol, without using the potentially more toxic compounds, such as finasteride and minoxidil.

I recommend downloading the images so you can zoom in and see the hairs more clearly. I have tattooed my self in one spot and used a modified 21mp microscope camera to take the images. The image is taken at my crown and the area with the most thinning. Before I take every photo I use no guard clippers and wash my hair. I use a led microscope light. I eliminate the most common problems with update pics, hair length, lighting and angles. This way each photo will be 100% consistent with each past photo and it takes away all skepticism and makes the proof of results(or lack thereof) irrefutable! Enjoy the progress photos, will be updating monthly! :)

p.s. look around the tattoo and you can see regrowth, thickening, and shedding of weaker colorless hairs(great sign!) This is only my first month 040719-050519



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I will update this post monthly so far this is my progress, regimen, and rationale.

2.0mm Microneddling(Derminator2) every other Sunday

Regenpure DR every other day with added ingredients
- 1gram 2% ketoconazole cream
-peppermint oil
-rosemary oil
Shampooing Instructions: Vigorous massage for 6 minutes, then let sit on scalp for 14

Daily 6 min scalp massage: No device necessary, just use your fingers, apply firm pressure

Topical: .2% Caffeine(100mg) 1% Taurine (500mg) .175% Zinc Sulfate(88mg) .125% pyridoxine hcl(63mg) all w/v in 50ml distilled water 2x/daily

Future considerations:
Actual PRP
Topical Finasteride.... or Breezula hopefully!

Unfortunately I cannot use Minoxidil, I have used it with great success in the past, however, I get the worst of the side effects, light headiness, heart palpation, dizziness, puffy face, and racoon eyes.

Definitely looking for a better topical, this is basically a modified Zix formula, not sure how effective this will be initially or long term. Zix does have a solid track record with many people over the years, so it is my go to now. I will always keep caffeine, it has the potential to work as well as minoxidil per one study(if it isn't a fraudulent study), it is cheap, in the quantities used it is completely benign...... Taurine is another great addition, it is an antifibrotic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and antistress agent, it is cheap, and even if it is absorbed into the blood stream, it will have a beneficial effect. I am currently using zix as my topical anti dht, but if my hair loss does not improve I will consider .125% topical finasteride. Ideally I would love to try to use just needling, lllt, and prp just to guinea pig this protocol to see the effect, however, good laser caps and real prp is expensive so I must stick with my cheap yet well researched protocol, without using the potentially more toxic compounds, such as finasteride and minoxidil.

I recommend downloading the images so you can zoom in and see the hairs more clearly. I have tattooed my self in one spot and used a modified 21mp microscope camera to take the images. The image is taken at my crown and the area with the most thinning. Before I take every photo I use no guard clippers and wash my hair. I use a led microscope light. I eliminate the most common problems with update pics, hair length, lighting and angles. This way each photo will be 100% consistent with each past photo and it takes away all skepticism and makes the proof of results(or lack thereof) irrefutable! Enjoy the progress photos, will be updating monthly! :)

p.s. look around the tattoo and you can see regrowth, thickening, and shedding of weaker colorless hairs(great sign!) This is only my first month 040719-050519

Good luck with your regimen, mate ! But this should be posted in the "alternative treatments" section of the forum.


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I will update this post monthly so far this is my progress, regimen, and rationale.

2.0mm Microneddling(Derminator2) every other Sunday

Regenpure DR every other day with added ingredients
- 1gram 2% ketoconazole cream
-peppermint oil
-rosemary oil
Shampooing Instructions: Vigorous massage for 6 minutes, then let sit on scalp for 14

Daily 6 min scalp massage: No device necessary, just use your fingers, apply firm pressure

Topical: .2% Caffeine(100mg) 1% Taurine (500mg) .175% Zinc Sulfate(88mg) .125% pyridoxine hcl(63mg) all w/v in 50ml distilled water 2x/daily

Future considerations:
Actual PRP
Topical Finasteride.... or Breezula hopefully!

Unfortunately I cannot use Minoxidil, I have used it with great success in the past, however, I get the worst of the side effects, light headiness, heart palpation, dizziness, puffy face, and racoon eyes.

Definitely looking for a better topical, this is basically a modified Zix formula, not sure how effective this will be initially or long term. Zix does have a solid track record with many people over the years, so it is my go to now. I will always keep caffeine, it has the potential to work as well as minoxidil per one study(if it isn't a fraudulent study), it is cheap, in the quantities used it is completely benign...... Taurine is another great addition, it is an antifibrotic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, and antistress agent, it is cheap, and even if it is absorbed into the blood stream, it will have a beneficial effect. I am currently using zix as my topical anti dht, but if my hair loss does not improve I will consider .125% topical finasteride. Ideally I would love to try to use just needling, lllt, and prp just to guinea pig this protocol to see the effect, however, good laser caps and real prp is expensive so I must stick with my cheap yet well researched protocol, without using the potentially more toxic compounds, such as finasteride and minoxidil.

I recommend downloading the images so you can zoom in and see the hairs more clearly. I have tattooed my self in one spot and used a modified 21mp microscope camera to take the images. The image is taken at my crown and the area with the most thinning. Before I take every photo I use no guard clippers and wash my hair. I use a led microscope light. I eliminate the most common problems with update pics, hair length, lighting and angles. This way each photo will be 100% consistent with each past photo and it takes away all skepticism and makes the proof of results(or lack thereof) irrefutable! Enjoy the progress photos, will be updating monthly! :)

p.s. look around the tattoo and you can see regrowth, thickening, and shedding of weaker colorless hairs(great sign!) This is only my first month 040719-050519

I get tachycardia even with 0.5 mL of minoxidil 2%, so cases like yours bring hope. great! have big success! and keep us posted


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I get tachycardia even with 0.5 mL of minoxidil 2%, so cases like yours bring hope. great! have big success! and keep us posted

It is a shame, I was a super responder, just with minoxidil alone I was starting to regrow all of my hair back, but after 4 months everyday when I went into work people would always pull me aside and ask if everything was ok with me, if I slept or if I was stressed. The bags around my eyes looked swollen and almost black/purple and I was only 29 at the time


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It is a shame, I was a super responder, just with minoxidil alone I was starting to regrow all of my hair back, but after 4 months everyday when I went into work people would always pull me aside and ask if everything was ok with me, if I slept or if I was stressed. The bags around my eyes looked swollen and almost black/purple and I was only 29 at the time
How old are you now ?


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How do you even make sure that your skin isn't saturated and then lose effect?

And is this one of those homemade scientists solutions?

Because it makes me wonder something, if you read some studies, if you add too much of what ever ingrediens, then you lose effect.

Is this put into consideration, or is it the mentality of more is better?

Have there been considered anything at all ?


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How do you even make sure that your skin isn't saturated and then lose effect?

And is this one of those homemade scientists solutions?

Because it makes me wonder something, if you read some studies, if you add too much of what ever ingrediens, then you lose effect.

Is this put into consideration, or is it the mentality of more is better?

Have there been considered anything at all ?

I am basically substituting minoxidil with ketoconazole, this is not a "homemade sciencetists solution." I have no intention to be here to educate people, but for the sake of this particular argument, I need to defend my conclusions. Ketoconazole is THE most underrated hair regrowth compound There are studies done in Japan over a decade ago showing unmedicated shampoos with 2% keto cream regrowing SIGNIFICANT amounts of hair. It didnt work in older patients for reasons they couldnt explain at the time. Similar to minoxidil it only works in a certain percentage of patients, when adding microneedling with minoxidil that percentage increases and so do does the results. The reason for this most likely fibrosis(scar tissue) surrounding the hair follicles cutting off blood flow and making minoxidil not effective. In one study Ketoconazole only worked in younger patients and not older ones. Could it be because fibrosis and will microneedling help reverse that allowing ketoconazole to work better in "older" people? That is what I am trying to find out! :) As far as zix goes, all evidence is purely andecdotal, the ingredients are cheap, benign, and most likely not harmful even if they do not work..... I see no downside to adding it basically. Caffeine has numerous studies including clinical trials comparing it to minoxidl directly and showing it is similar to minoxidil at .2% w/v concentrations. not toxic, cheap Taurine cheap, beneficial to overall health, not toxic and has the potential to protect your hair. Imo every man with Androgenetic Alopecia should be putting this on their scalps!

Dr Carlos Wesley, one the top hair transplant sugeons in the world, puts his younger patients on prp, keto, caffeine with amazing results. Why is he doing this? He is reading the same things I am as well. There are numerous in vitro and in vivo studies showing these two compounds having profound effects on people with Androgenetic Alopecia. In my humble opinion every balding man needs keto, caffeine, taurine, and microneedling. My results are encouraging so far, look at my pictures I have hairs that are dramatically thicker than just a month ago!


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Thank you @jandrsn27 for starting and interesting, helpful, productive thread.
I will follow your progress.


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So you don't know if you saturate your skin or if you "overdose" yourself or not.

Too me it seems like its the "lets put it all into one big pile, and magic happens .... I think" and the SIGNIFICANT regrowth of hair I would like to see that qoute in one of the studies. Because I can't find it.

But the studies you refer too, says that your ketoconazole works with finasteride. are you using that? no. Is the studies relevant then?

There is just too much homemade science with cherry picking. with all those homemade solutions i'm amazed that there ain't much more people with SIGNIFICANT hair regrowth.
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So you don't know if you saturate your skin or if you "overdose" yourself or not.

Too me it seems like its the "lets put it all into one big pile, and magic happens .... I think" and the SIGNIFICANT regrowth of hair I would like to see that qoute in one of the studies. Because I can't find it.

But the studies you refer too, says that your ketoconazole works with finasteride. are you using that? no. Is the studies relevant then?

There is just too much homemade science with cherry picking. with all those homemade solutions i'm amazed that there ain't much more people with SIGNIFICANT hair regrowth.

No Cherry picking my friend there is a reason Ketoconazole is part of the "Big 3" for over a decade for good reasons! The problem is it doesn't work for everyone...... I am trying to find out will microneedling improve the scalp condition and increase ketoconazole's effectiveness....... just like with minoxidil like the anecdotes and clinical trials posted on this very website show.

I openly admit Zix is a gamble,
Caffeine is SHOWN in studies to be just as effective as minoxidil!! ( if the study is not a fraud!) READ the study!
Taurine: Upsides Downsides:
Cheap NONE
Non toxic
Water Soluble
anti inflammatory
beneficial to overall health
Has the potential to help protect hair

Ketocazole as an adjunct to finasteride in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binding to androgen receptors (AR) in hair follicles is commonly accepted as the first step leading to the miniaturizing of follicles associated with androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia). Testosterone is converted to DHT by the enzyme 5alpha-reductase. Finasateride a 5alpha-reducase inhibitor blocks the production of DHT and is currently used to treat Androgenetic Alopecia. The inhibition is not complete but a reduction of DHT systemically and in the scalp is accomplished. Ketoconazole has been clinically shown to be effective in the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. In this paper, evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that ketoconazole 2% shampoo has a local disruption of the DHT pathway. It is proposed that using ketoconazole 2% shampoo as an adjunct to finasteride treatment could lead to a more complete inhibition of DHT and thus better treat Androgenetic Alopecia.
Reversal of androgenetic alopecia by topical ketoconzole: relevance of anti-androgenic activity.
Ketoconazole (KCZ), an imidazole anti-fungal agent, is known to be effective for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. In addition, 2% ketoconazole shampoo was found to improve hair density and the size and proportion of anagen follicles in androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) and, in combination with finasteride, to have an additive effect for Androgenetic Alopecia. Six Japanese males from 23 to 51 years old were enrolled in this study with their written informed consent. They presented with grade II vertex to IVa Androgenetic Alopecia according to the Hamilton–Norwood classification. The subjects applied topical 2% ketoconazole lotion (Nizoral®) almost every day during or immediately after hair washing with their own unmedicated shampoos. When they revisited our clinic every several months, clinical pictures were obtained to determine the efficacy of the treatment. Two of the men, one 23 years old with grade II vertex and the other 25 years old with Va Androgenetic Alopecia, showed remarkable hair regrowth after 6 and 10 months, respectively. The 23-year-old male stopped using ketoconazole and 3 months later hair loss recurrence on the vertex was noted. When he started using ketoconazole again during shampooing, hairs on the vertex grew again after 3 months. These findings constitute evidence of the clinical efficacy of ketoconazole for Androgenetic Alopecia. A 41-year-old male showed a slight increase in vertex hair growth after 1 year. Other three of the men, 31, 38 and 51 years old did not show significant improvement.
Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. METHOD: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. RESULTS: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. CONCLUSION: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects.
Comparative efficacy of various treatment regimens for androgenetic alopecia in men.
Our understanding of the aetiology of androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia) has substantially increased in recent years. As a result, several treatment modalities have been tried with promising results especially in early stages of Androgenetic Alopecia. However, as far as has been ascertained, there is no comprehensive study comparing the efficacy of these agents alone and in combination with each other. One hundered male patients with Androgenetic Alopecia of Hamilton grades II to IV were enrolled in an open, randomized, parallel-group study, designed to evaluate and compare the efficacy of oral finasteride (1 mg per day), topical 2% minoxidil solution and topical 2% ketoconazole shampoo alone and in combination. They were randomized into four groups. Group I (30 patients) was administered oral finasteride, Group II (36 patients) was given a combination of finasteride and topical minoxidil, Group III (24 patients) applied minoxidil alone and Group IV (10 patients) was administered finasteride with topical ketoconazole. Treatment efficacy was assessed on the basis of patient and physician assessment scores and global photographic review during the study period of one year. At the end of one year, hair growth was observed in all the groups with best results recorded with a combination of finasteride and minoxidil (Group II) followed by groups IV, I and III. Subjects receiving finasteride alone or in combination with minoxidil or ketoconazole showed statistically significant improvement (p<0.05) over minoxidil only recipients. No signifcant side-effects related to the drugs were observed. In conclusion, it is inferred that the therapeutic efficacy is enhanced by combining the two drugs acting on different aetiological aspects of Androgenetic Alopecia.
Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. METHOD: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. RESULTS: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. CONCLUSION: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects
Topical application of ketoconazole stimulates hair growth in C3H/HeN mice.
Ketoconazole (KCZ) is an imidazole anti-fungal agent that is also effective in topical applications for treating seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. Recently, topical use of 2% KCZ shampoo has been reported to have had a clinically therapeutic effect on androgenetic alopecia. The present study was conducted with the purpose of quantitatively examining the stimulatory effect of KCZ on hair growth in a mouse model. Coat hairs on the dorsal skin of seven week-old male C3H/HeN mice were gently clipped, and either 2% KCZ solution in 95% ethanol or a vehicle solution was topically applied once daily for three weeks. The clipped area was photographed, and the ratio of re-grown coat area was then calculated. The results demonstrated that 2% KCZ had a macroscopically significant stimulatory effect compared with the vehicle group (p < 0.01, n=10). Repeated experiments showed similar effects, confirming the efficacy of KCZ as a hair growth stimulant. Although the therapeutic mechanism of topical KCZ for hair growth is unclear, our results suggest that topical applications of the substance are useful for treating seborrheic dermatitis accompanied by hair regression or male pattern hair loss.

Hopefully this will help you understand why I am doing what I am doing. Like I said I am not here to educate people and with this information I just presented and you still do not understand why I am willing to experiment with this protocol. Then there is nothing more I can say or do to convince you. You will just need to wait for my 6 month results!


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No Cherry picking my friend there is a reason Ketoconazole is part of the "Big 3" for over a decade for good reasons! The problem is it doesn't work for everyone
View attachment 118544

it says it all. The good reason its a part of "big 3" its because it doesn't work for everyone ... broscience at its best.

This its like most other threads here ... oh look I think I found the golden road I just pile up a lots of studies, but it into one big pile and regrowth like no one else ... and how does it end for all of those people?

Should it be in another category at all?

Home science isn't "New Research, Studies and technologies"

And just for the sake of a definition of good science, if you can't reproduce the results from a study with the tools and/or techniques used, then its bad science.

Also if a study is used on asians, then someone should think that there is a bigger potential for the asians for the given treatment. human races aren't the same when it comes to medical science. Also why i would assume that Replicel also have a study in europe beside the asian one.


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it says it all. The good reason its a part of "big 3" its because it doesn't work for everyone ... broscience at its best.

I am using one of the big 3(keto) and microneedling...... the same as people using one of the big 3(minoxidil) and microneedling.... and now that is called broscience..... odd way of describing my approach when all I am doing is using a substance that has been used in vitro, in vivo, and animal models to regrow hair!!!
This its like most other threads here ... oh look I think I found the golden road I just pile up a lots of studies, but it into one big pile and regrowth like no one else ... and how does it end for all of those people?

Ketoconazole on it's own will regrow hair.... microneedling on it's own will regrow hair...... I add the two together and now I am a mad bro scientist! I concede it is experimental, however, I am curious to see the results! Aren't you?
And just for the sake of a definition of good science, if you can't reproduce the results from a study with the tools and/or techniques used, then its bad science.
I am using the EXACT protocol from the Japanese Ketoconazole cream/ shampoo study the produced the results above
I am using the EXACT .2% w/v concentrations used in the caffeine vs minoxidil study that produced the results I linked to
I am using the EXACT Microneedling protocol as outlined in the Chinese microneedling, minoxidil, combo therapy study
Also if a study is used on asians, then someone should think that there is a bigger potential for the asians for the given treatment. human races aren't the same when it comes to medical science. Also why i would assume that Replicel also have a study in europe beside the asian one.
This is just a stretch are you saying some treatments only work for some groups of people and not others? I don't believe that is even slightly true at all.

Anyway I understand you skepticism, I have it as well. I am not claiming a cure by any means and my expectations are tempered until the full 6 month results are in. I encourage you to check back in 5 months!


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I am using one of the big 3(keto) and microneedling...... the same as people using one of the big 3(minoxidil) and microneedling.... and now that is called broscience..... odd way of describing my approach when all I am doing is using a substance that has been used in vitro, in vivo, and animal models to regrow hair!!!

We have seen mice can grow hair with what ever you throw at it. which again underlines my previous statement.

If you can't reproduce same results with the same technique and processes and what not. then its not good science.

It have been proven that 56% of ph.d projects within psychology can't be reproduced. is that good or bad science ? even though it have been published.

But its not a strech. humans are not the same, if we where, then the same medicine would have same effect across all humans, which it doesn't.

Just hair transplant on Negroids can't be done any good because of the way their hair is, and same with some other medicine.

Science is about thinking, not about grapping everything into one big pile and think that it all will add up to super results.

But sure I'll check after some months, with same results like others, no real hair growth. or SIGNIFICANT hair growth as some would put it


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It have been proven that 56% of ph.d projects within psychology can't be reproduced. is that good or bad science ? even though it have been published.
That is why I have said ever since the FIRST post that this is an experiment, not a proven cure, I am content with this working or not working. Not understanding why you are trying so hard to oppose this idea?

But sure I'll check after some months, with same results like others, no real hair growth. or SIGNIFICANT hair growth as some would put it

I would like to revise my previous statement that the above study produced SIGNIFICANT results.... I am upgrading it to VERY SIGNIFICANT results. I know many guys that if they regrew that much hair from an otc shampoo they would be over the moon. Then again this has been known for over a decade now, that is why it is a part of the "big 3" Heard of it?

Anyway appreciate the skepticism, you are giving me a chance to strengthen my argument and the free bumps never hurt! ;)


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First of all, thanks for all of this. And please dont vanish and never come back, like it always happens with these kinda threads.
A few things i want to say:
- You are right, people underestimate how strong keto can be. When i was on steroids, i was breaking out all over my shoulders and my back. Nothing stopped the acne breakout, until i started rubbing keto shampoo on my skin. As soon as i stopped doing that, my back was covered in acne again.

-You should be using rosemary oil twice per day, just own its own. Rosemary oil is significantly more effective than 2% minoxidil (almost 4x as effective in the human study). In combination with microneedling, its probably even more effective than 5% minoxidil.
You should have 1% DMSO in a rosemary oil solution. 1ml DMSO in 100ml essential oil will MASSIVELY increase the absorption
The stuff smells great, leaves no residue and completely vanishes from your hair and scalp after 1 hour.


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Rosemary oil is significantly more effective than 2% minoxidil (almost 4x as effective in the human study). In combination with microneedling, its probably even more effective than 5% minoxidil.
You should have 1% DMSO in a rosemary oil solution. 1ml DMSO in 100ml essential oil will MASSIVELY increase the absorption
The stuff smells great, leaves no residue and completely vanishes from your hair and scalp after 1 hour.

No, it's not.


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Ok bro, the human study comparing rosemary oil to 2% minoxidil never happened. Its all in my head


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I am basically substituting minoxidil with ketoconazole, this is not a "homemade sciencetists solution." I have no intention to be here to educate people, but for the sake of this particular argument, I need to defend my conclusions. Ketoconazole is THE most underrated hair regrowth compound There are studies done in Japan over a decade ago showing unmedicated shampoos with 2% keto cream regrowing SIGNIFICANT amounts of hair. It didnt work in older patients for reasons they couldnt explain at the time. Similar to minoxidil it only works in a certain percentage of patients, when adding microneedling with minoxidil that percentage increases and so do does the results. The reason for this most likely fibrosis(scar tissue) surrounding the hair follicles cutting off blood flow and making minoxidil not effective. In one study Ketoconazole only worked in younger patients and not older ones. Could it be because fibrosis and will microneedling help reverse that allowing ketoconazole to work better in "older" people? That is what I am trying to find out! :) As far as zix goes, all evidence is purely andecdotal, the ingredients are cheap, benign, and most likely not harmful even if they do not work..... I see no downside to adding it basically. Caffeine has numerous studies including clinical trials comparing it to minoxidl directly and showing it is similar to minoxidil at .2% w/v concentrations. not toxic, cheap Taurine cheap, beneficial to overall health, not toxic and has the potential to protect your hair. Imo every man with Androgenetic Alopecia should be putting this on their scalps!

Dr Carlos Wesley, one the top hair transplant sugeons in the world, puts his younger patients on prp, keto, caffeine with amazing results. Why is he doing this? He is reading the same things I am as well. There are numerous in vitro and in vivo studies showing these two compounds having profound effects on people with Androgenetic Alopecia. In my humble opinion every balding man needs keto, caffeine, taurine, and microneedling. My results are encouraging so far, look at my pictures I have hairs that are dramatically thicker than just a month ago!

Its weird because I have literally just started to do this again. Now that we know how well the androgen antagonists can work for the hair topically thanks to the cb trials then we know in theory Keto should work very well. Currently I am using cream but will add shampoo in also for increased results. Im not sure why more people arnt using the cream daily and as you said combined with minoxidil and wounding could be very effective