Perspective. The Universe Of The Mind.


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Social daily interactions are as meaningless and inevitable as the oscillation of electrons. A sick, sterile Rube Goldberg type machination that started with the big bang.

Very moving.
What is with the brilliant writing on this forum of late?


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I can see some of macaronaroni's points, but although the last paragraph may be philosophical, it is just not practical. But at least he admits this when he talks about counting the hairs on his head.

I do agree with underestimating the cruelty of reality. I certainly never have though. Bad things happen to righteous people and vice versa. In a world of true justice, it would not be this way.


My Regimen
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I agree with this. We can get philosophical all that we want, but when the rubber meets the road, we all are going to care about our personal life and the way that we look.
or: is it possible to try and be Zen when everyone else around you clearly isn't?


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We are here, forced to crawl on the surface of this sphere. A planet that circles a star in the milky way galaxy, which is comprised of approximately 100 billion stars. The observable universe has an estimated ~10 billion galaxies, which means there are ~1 billion trillion stars in the observable universe.

Today, scientists are seriously considering the theory that all of this is a simulation; the purpose of such simulation is as unknowable as the theory. Regardless, it is clear we are an infinitesimal microscopic part of this "project" we call reality. There is no evidence that we matter; there is no evidence that anyone who has ever lived, or all of their accomplishments, ever mattered. Social daily interactions are as meaningless and inevitable as the oscillation of electrons. A sick, sterile Rube Goldberg type machination that started with the big bang. There is no god that cares for you. There is no meaning to your actions. Underneath the seeming complexity and chaos of free will are but simple choices that you are coerced to take - there is no choice; everything is predictable when you know the variables.

It is sunny and hot outside. Car alarms go off, dogs bark. Sound waves travel, but they reverberate and dissipate. Within the last 24hrs every human being has woken up and started their daily routine; all 7.4 billion of them. Men and women, old and young; all follow a set of rules established before them. All care more for themselves than the species. Such is the instinct of self preservation. Daily routines completed with a purpose; grocery shopping, take out the trash, pay bills, walk the dog. Meanwhile reality collapses inside a super massive blackhole, and the idea of understanding anything is as vertigo inducing as putting on roller blades and walking on the edge, at the top of a skyscraper.

We fool ourselves into thinking that this mechanism we are stuck in has some type of meaning; don't underestimate the cruelty of reality. The only solace we can partake in is knowing that we are in this together; hostages of whatever collective experiment this has become.

In the time it took me to ramble, 1,000+ people died and 2,000+ more were born. Make no mistake, perspective is knowing you don't matter, so that you can rid yourself of whatever expectations you have and enjoy the ride. It's easy to forget this while counting the hairs on your head in the mirror - i know this firsthand.

Might as well just shut down the board at this point.

The above post ... in particular the bolded sentences ... will never be topped for wisdom by any current or future baldie posting here.

OUTSTANDING work, sir!

My hat's off to you (and believe me, THAT doesn't happen very often)...


Senior Member
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Scientists must have got aids like disease in their brain...loll.
This is what a average lay person would have said if he read this.

This world is so perfect..
If you want to know how this world is..

Take a bike and go on road,and drive the bike without attention..
Let a car/truck/another bike coming towards you,it will fucked your every single 10 raise to the power 11 neurons,10 ^13 synapses berserk..
Then you will know if this world is computer simulation or not.

There is No Meaning to your Action.

I can literally postmortem every single word with the experiences i have cherished,but that will make me opened up and this is not good for privacy.