Phytoplankton(& algae & seaweed etc)


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More for overall health, but there are hair-related testimonials out there...which is interesting since it's not sold as a hair product. And I know..there are other products out there with testimonials like that. And also many that are being taken that have none at all :shock:

Anyone have any experience with Phytoplankton? I'm more interested in it at the moment..already taking a seaweed type product.

Because of the powerhouse of nutrition available in this microscopic package, scientists and nutritionists believe that phytoplankton is able to penetrate and work at the cellular level of the body to support and accelerate the body's incredible ability to heal. It provides nourishment to every cell of the body. It is easily absorbed into the body so there is no waste.

The high nutritional value of phytoplankton is of a very high order, in fact, the entire range of essential trace minerals necessary to the human body are in proportion to what is found in human blood.

Now for the Phytoplankton testimonials..FWIW

I have been taking your phytoplankton for almost four months now and I am amazed to have energy again! My muscle strength is improving daily! I am dancing every week and I can make it through the day without feeling like collapsing. No Nap!! My hair is growing back! J My immune system continues to get stronger and stronger so I am fighting off infections and viruses now. I am sleeping better at night. Even my joint pain and inflammation have improved. Your product has given me hope and so much gratitude.

steadier, more consistent energy, stronger, healthier, thicker hair (no longer falls out in the shower),

A few months ago I noticed my hair was starting to turn grey just around the hairline, it has turn back to my natural color

We began seeing dramatic changes in my nails and Glen's hair. I damaged my two large toe nails many years ago and they never grew back properly. After being on this particular phytoplankton, they began straightening out.

Glen had been losing hair and graying for some years but that seemed to be changing, new hair coming in and color coming back in Differences&

I have been using Marine Phytoplankton for 1-1/2 months now. My wife noticed in the second week that I was growing hair in my bald spot (a lot of it!) and 2-weeks ago I walked out to the mailbox and got the paper and was reading it on the front porch and suddenly it dawned on me that I was not wearing my glasses! I haven't been able to read without glasses for years. The gal that cuts my hair also asked if I had changed conditioner and I said "no" and she had noticed that my hair was much healthier and thicker. I also sleep like a baby at night now and wake feeling rested. I use to get up for a few minutes and then head back to bed for a couple hours and since taking Marine Phytoplankton I stay up and feel great! F. K.


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Looks interesting, the only problem is that all those testimonials come from sites that sell the product. Any links from forums?.


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I didn't see any when I did search..haven't spent too much time looking though. I wouldn't get your hopes up on it actually doing anything for your hair..but who knows. When I was searching I came across those old EC threads at Regrowth- over 2 years old. Still nothing on that really. So again..just the mentions of it with Phytoplankton(and some algae and seaweed..will post those in a bit) got me a bit more interested.

The product I currently take is called Limu Nei..contains Glyconutrients/Fucoidan..among other things.


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Here are some others on different algae/seaweed. I may end up doing a combo of some of these along with the phytoplankton..but the phytoplankton will def be at the top of my list..mainly due to the first quotes in my original post.

About a month after starting to take Gigartina, it suddenly dawned on me one day that the hair loss to which I had grown accustomed was greatly diminished. My scalp was less itchy and disrupted, and there was a lot less hair coming out when I washed my hair.

I believe that the skin-strengthening effect that results from taking Gigartina is actually reversing the cause of my hair loss. I don’t know if my scalp irritation was caused by Candida or some other pathogen, or whether Gigartina would work this way for everyone. However, because of my own experience I am convinced of the power of this sea vegetable extract to correct chronic and acute skin problems by boosting immunity.

I think my hair loss problem was probably related to a skin infection in the epidermis of the scalp, and for me it was reversed by taking Gigartina. My hair is now growing in thicker, and of course I'm elated about that. I'm grateful to have finally hit upon a natural food-based supplement that will address the root cause of both acute skin problems and hair loss. I wanted to pass along this information if it can help others who are desperate for relief from skin disruptions. This amazing plant extract has been highly beneficial for me, and others may find it well worth a try.

Gigartina has been found to strengthen the skin, and can help reverse eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss problems that arise in the epidermis

Some here:

Again..didn't search it a whole more interested in the phytoplankton. These particular ones will show up where I posted them elsewhere...but that doesn't count :woot:


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This is the one I'm case anyone finds some sales:

Although one could combine/rotate more than one...

Other sources for that one..and other brands/species:

I think I've listed just the powder sources..there are many available as a liquid as well. I'm sticking to powder mainly because the one I'm most interested only comes in a powder(!) well as this:

Marine phytoplankton powder is proven to be at least 8 times more potent than any liquid form of marine phytoplankton. It takes 8 kilograms of fresh, wet marine phytoplankton to make just 1 kilogram of dry powder. What this means is that powdered form is more concentrated, containing more of the nutritional elements. Furthermore, the manufacturers of liquid marine phytoplankton products claim that the liquid state indicates a "live" (living) marine phytoplankton. Our researchers have looked into this matter, and have been told by several authorities on phytoplankton, that these are false claims. Algae, of any type, must be preserved in a “dead’ state, similar to dried fruits, herbs, roots, or seeds. This preservation does not affect the the bio-availability of the nutritional elements, which remain intact.

Which all may or may not be true..but I've never been a fan of liquids anyway.


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I posted previously why I'm not thrilled with the liquid versions(may want to try a powder/capsule if you don't notice anything..especially if it was Umac-Core...just saying.. :whistle: )..but Mike Adams really gives Umac-Core a ripping(even though the product he endorsed is also a liquid. That was nearly 2 years ago though):

UMAC-CORE marine phytoplankton

As far as I can tell, this product is a complete joke. Some might call it a fraud, because the amount of marine phytoplankton in the bottle seems to be virtually nothing. This is true both for the liquid UMAC-CORE product (which seems to have absolutely no color at all) and the capsules, which contain 475mg of filler and only 25mg of actual phytoplankton. (Do the math: That's 95% filler!) You actually have to take more than an entire bottle of capsules just to get 3 grams of total marine phytoplankton.

And nearly 2 years later...the capsules STILL only contain 25mg.

Also on FrequenSea:

FrequenSea with marine phytoplankton

This is a product sold under a network marketing structure. While it has nice promotional materials, it contains only a miniscule amount of actual phytoplankton. In fact, by weight it is 99.75% something else and only 0.25% phytoplankton. What are the other ingredients? Purified water, white grape juice, aloe vera juice and other "filler" juices.

Bottom line? Avoid FrequenSea. It's not a rip-off like UMAC-CORE, but neither is it very potent in terms of marine phytoplankton. While it has some other nice ingredients (like astaxanthin and ginger), it's still an overpriced liquid, in my opinion.


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I just stopped taking Blue-Algae and Spirulina last month..They keep saying that Phycocyanin in it boost the production of stem cell production from the bone marrow.. Is it true? Who knows..Cannot find any legit studies about microalgae..Just hype crap by companies selling it.. I bet that Klamath lake is not that clean also.


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On stem cell production:

The latter two are about one or two of the products listed above..

The phytoplankton product I'm most interested is grown at their own facilities:

Gesundheit Marine Phytoplankton is grown using photobioreactor technology that is originally designed by our scientists. This terminology appears complex, but in the world of food science, it means that it is grown in an enclosed system, in a pharmaceutical grade sterile environment. It is grown in a bed of purified salt water while protected from any outdoor pollutants or contaminants. The end result is an extremely clean, highly concentrated biomass, which is then freeze dried into a very stable powder form.



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i had seaweed at a japanese restaurant once as an appetizer and the waiter said that it was very good for hair growth.

seemed to be a weird statement to make. my hair was pretty thick back then.


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It helps the immune system, micro nutrients, and raises pH (that is the amount of oxygen your body can carry).

So in theory it helps to make your 1)immune system work right and 2)reduces inflamation.

Those are two of the biggest problems facing those with hair loss, it makes the AR more sensative = more hair loss and less growth.


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I don't know how true this is..but it does separate it from a lot of other things if it's true: "is able to penetrate and work at the cellular level of the body to support and accelerate the body's incredible ability to heal."

I'm still looking for a good deal on the stuff :) If anyone decides to try it..please post it..or send me a PM.