Pics- Can someone tell me is this male pattern baldness or fincar shedding?


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2 ... nLlszYtmOA

This pic was taken some time in Dec 06. One month before I started on fincar. My hair was wet. ... nLlszYtmOA
Pic was taken at the same time as pic one except this time the hair was dry. As you can see, there was a massive miniturization of follicle of the top. The top is visibe thinner than the side. ... nLlszYtmOA

The above pic was taken four months into fincar and hair transplant in the frontal hairline. Hair was cut short and new hair has begin to grow on the recipeint area. (was Norwood 3 before this) ... nLlszYtmOA

The thining pattern becomes more visible when it combed.


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I dunno if you can even look at a head of hair and tell if the shed hair is from male pattern baldness or a hair loss treatment. Your own judgment and experience is probably a better estimate than anyone else comparing your photos.