PICS of my hair loss, need advice! only 21 yrs old


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Hello everyone,

I really need to do something about my hair loss/thinning and what better way to learn by asking people who are going through the same thing and can maybe shed (no pun intended) some light on what I need to do.

About my hair: I have an oily scalp and if I don't shampoo my hair everyday it gets oily and itchy. I barely used to shampoo everyday because I heard it can damage your hair. Then I heard that if you have an oily scalp you should shampoo everyday so I began to do so about a couple weeks ago. I use Johnson's baby shampoo. I've heard a sign of male pattern baldness is when your hairline begins to recede. However, mine has not receded at all, instead, I'm just losing a lot of hair on the top of my head as well as the crown area. I also barely see any hair on my pillow when I wake up (maybe 1-3 strands). However, I usually see around 20 strands when I shampoo my hair.

I've included 6 pics of my head so you guys can see what type of hair loss it is (if there are any types).

The first two pics is how I usually style my hair (kind of like a slick back except hair is not as long and i don't use any products) Don't know if there is even a name of this hairstyle.

The next two pics is of the right of my crown where you can notice a bald spot. I've had this little spot since beginning high school I believe (i'm entering my 4th year in College now). I've never got any stitches or surgery of some sort on that spot so I'm pretty much its been there because of my hair thinning.

The last two pics is my how the top of my head looks when I brush my hair down.

Genetics: Well, both my parents are above 50. My dad has pretty much lost all his hair on the top with like around 50 strands remaining. And my mom's hair is very thin as well. However, my dad and mom are usually stressed out a lot so that could have caused the hair loss/thinning. My dad also got his hair permed when he was young and I heard that can cause hair loss because both my dad's brothers have never had any hair loss. I'm telling you this because I am not entirely sure if genes are the reason for my hair loss.

Diet: I've very healthy. I watch my macros and make sure I get sufficient amount of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. I also take multi-vitamins. And I workout 5 times a week.

As a kid, around age 12-19, my hairs always been itchy but I never seemed to care and I've always had dandruff all my life and when I use something like head & shoulders i see more flakes in my head.

I've been shampooing everyday for the last two weeks and my flakes have pretty much disappeared and there's barely any sense of itchiness. However I continue to lose around 20+ strands of hair every time I shampoo (Johnson's Baby Shampoo).

My question is that I don't know if this is male pattern baldness or is it because I never really took care of my hair especially since its always been oily and has dandruff. My dandruff has been pretty mild btw since the last year or so.

I'm really shocked I'm seeing signs of hair loss at such a young age and I'm hoping I can still regrow my hair before my hairline begins to recede.

I think I've given you guys all the information I could possibly give you about my hair so if you have any advice on what I should do that would be greatly appreciated. If you have any more questions for me, just comment below and I'll reply as soon as I can.

Thanks again.

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At 21 years old that doesnt look good unless its some dandruff problem but based off of my observation is looks like "Diffuse Thinning" those are the hardest to catch because its stealthy. It looks like your hair line looks great but the top of your head is thinning bad. I would deffinately try some expensive dandruff shampoo or some shampoo that will treat the scalp for like 4 months and if your hair doesnt get any better than you should conclude its diffuse thinning and get on the big 3. With the Big 3 you should be able to keep your hair and retains its volume for a long time. Thats just my 2 cents.


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I agree it does look like diffuse thinning. Although the crown in the 3rd and 4th pic doesn't necessarily look like balding to me, could just be where the hair changes direction. The good news is though that you caught it relatively early, in that your hair really doesn't look too bad. Furthermore, propecia and minoxidil could really help you thicken up what you have, so you could get very good results from those, especially since you hairline's still very intact. So if you're willing to give it a try, I'd suggest propecia, minoxidil and nizoral shampoo should do the job. But again you could just try minoxidil and nizoral (which should help with the dandruff and inflamation, otherwise you could use nizoral and another anti-dandruff shampoo), and just see how that goes. But still you could get some amazing results with those treatments and even retain a full looking head of hair imo. So best of luck!