Pics. Stress related hair loss?


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Hey guys. I've upload pics. Do you all think this is stress related? I have some pics from the back of my head and one from the front. Tell me what you all think. Thank you.


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Quantum Cat

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how old are you? if you're 20+ then Propecia/Finasteride is your best hope. But make sure you consult with a doctor first


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I'm 25. I know this might be wishful thinking but I thought it was due to stress, major depression, and very bad diet. I went 5 months without eating properly. I've read about propecia and its side effect of erectile dysfunction is a real turn off....but I'd like to know if it actually works. I don't have money nor do I have the means to go to the doctor. Doctor's visits are expensive. I have been using this Rogaine-like product called "Cre-C". I am now thinking of buying Rogaine. A week ago, I did not see this bald spot in my head. Why? Because it wasn't there. My hair is falling out rapidly. It is falling out because of I take showers and I am forced to scrub my head.

I don't kid. This bald spot wasn't there a week ago. I don't know if that is normal but that is way too fast. What do you think I should do? Any suggestions would help a lot.


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Receding hairlines and/or thinning crowns are not signs of stress related hair loss. 17 months on finasteride and no side effects. If you're hair isn't something you value you that much, then simply ignore it or try Rogaine/Regaine/Kirkland.


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As much as I would love to do something about options are very limited. I don't have money and the only thing I can get is rogaine. I don't know what finasteride is but it sounds expensive and hard to get. I think I'm going to try to live with this. I don't have a choice. I'm losing hair rapidly and nothing is going to stop it. I'm just going to have to find a way to deal with the fact that I am losing my hair. If I lose friends and look less physically appealing...I guess that is my fate.

Laying in bed as I type this. I know I'm being a little over-dramatic but as a person who has considered suicide as a way out in the past...I can't help but feel like my life just got worse.


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Where are you from? In total, a 4 month supply of 5mg Proscar cost me €70, or €80, not too sure, which in turn lasts a year because I'm cutting one tablet into fourths. Judging by your last sentence, it's obvious that you value your hair. YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING. Don't dwell on it, or feel sorry for yourself, you mention you could afford Rogaine, which over a course of a year, would prove to be more expensive that finasteride, so whats stopping you from getting finasteride?.


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I live in the states. I don't know where I can get finasteride. If it is over the counter, I'll buy it today. I'm going to get rogaine today though for sure. I'm just waiting to get a little better before I go. I haven't even showered yet because I'm afraid to see more hairs in my hand. I'm not feeling sorry for myself or want anyone here to. I've just never encountered a problem I couldn't resolve....until now.

I'm still in the early stages of hair loss (I assume, unless I'm wrong) so I may be able to save my hair a little. If finasteride is better than rogaine and its over the counter and available in the states, I'll get it. I'm sure that it won't affect my libido. Will power and the right mindset goes a long way.


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You need a prescription. If you have a walk in clinic nearby, call them and inquire about finasteride, if not, see your GP, if that's not possible, you can buy online, I did for the first year.

Check out this website, it lists the good pharmacies from the bogus ones.

Start ASAP, it will soon become apart of your daily life, showering, brushing your teeth etc. Good luck!


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Thank you very much sir! I will look into this. For right now, I'm going to use get the Rogaine just to have something right away. I have a question about the finasteride and the rogaine. Judging by my pictures, do you think that these products could really make a difference? More specifically the rogaine since I will be buying that today?

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly, I'm super depressed. It's weird. I don't know if my depression is justified or if I'm going through a phase.

Quantum Cat

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good site - I've never used online pharmacies before so I never realised you could buy meds like benzos and opioids without prescription. Is that even legal?

Helel, you need to do some research on Male Pattern Baldness and the treatments. It sounds like you don't know what Finasteride or Minoxidil even are or how they work. Educate yourself a little and then you can make more informed decisions on what will be best for you to use, if anything. There's loads of info on the net.

And you really should speak to a doctor or qualified medical professional, preferably one with some knowledge of hairloss. I don't really know how things work in the US - is it really that expensive just to consult a Doctor?


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Well.....see, I called a dermatologist's office today and they told me that a consultation would be 140 dollars. I would like to go but I am going through some financial problems (on top of this) and that is a little too much for me. This may be ignorance on my part but I didn't want to go because I assumed that the doctor would tell me everything you guys are telling me. In other words, stuff I already know. 140 dollars + buying medication is beyond my budget right now.

I know what Rogaine does or at least I believe I do. It strengthens hair but it doesn't stop the root of the problem. I think it also makes some hair grow back too. I'm not sure on finasteride but I'm assuming that it stops all hair from falling out.


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Normally I would suggest you go and see a dermatologist but local GPs are all good too for just getting a prescription. They wouldnt't cost too much (AU $0 to $35 here in Australia). Good luck, mate!