Pillow vs shower shed after 3 weeks on propecia and some Qs


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3 weeks on propecia, still shedding the same amt of hair as b4 in the shower but in the pillow, it seems to have decreased significantly...at times a few hairs, sometimes no hairs at all....and my hair somewhere above the hair line has got slightly thicker that its bulging out...all the hairs seem thin..the type that u would expect from the damage done by DHT...Any thoughts on this pattern?...any one expereincded the same thing?.what does it mean?....so will it stop in a few months time?.BTw since i continue to shed the same amt as before, is it possible the shedding may increase later on resulting in what they call hyper androgencitiy?


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it takes a min of 4months according to the fda and mereck to notice any improvement. 3 weeks is not long enough stop worrying about it and find something to do for the next few motnhs then have a look at your hair.


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gonna_win said:
it takes a min of 4months according to the fda and mereck to notice any improvement. 3 weeks is not long enough stop worrying about it and find something to do for the next few motnhs then have a look at your hair.

Senior poster, and one more thing.....so far after taking this drug. i felt no sex drive for the first week, then slowly my sex drive was up and down for the next 2 weeks...but still nowhere near as great as before propecia.....I also sso do feel tired and lethargic, mild depression for a few hours after taking this drug, butnothing serious ...probably cos of my smoking related...I read tht absence of DHT causes these effects.......so does this mean the drug is working?...