Pills To Produce Equol Naturally


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As always, I do not endorse the following product, highly skeptical.

Bringing it up for further discussion and to validate/discredit it as a viable alternative treatment option.

It's called ProEquol, their website is http://www.proequol.com


"Proequol has been shown to produce equol blood levels in excess of 100 ng/ml, which is the level required to block DHT and suppress androgenic hair loss in men. Equol may reduce hair loss in as little as three weeks, depending on factors such as age, genetics and diet.*"

"Proequol uses the patent-pending BLDG±SF™ formula which contains natural extracts, prebiotics, probiotics and equol-producing bacteria. Proequol uses a very specific blend of premium ingredients in order to obtain the optimum results."

The problem here is that I have not ever heard of a reasonable study that deals with the effects of Equol on male pattern baldness.

Some questions that come to mind are:

How much Equol is needed to lower DHT at a good rate? 50mg a day? 100 mg a day?
What percentage of people taking this supplement will actually produce Equol?

I will have a look at their patent.

Looking forward to your input.



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I was also interested in this product, but likewise never heard anything about it.
I sent an email to the makers, see: "
I wonder what studies done on this product. I've used finasteride but had to stop because of side effects. I used many other products announced similar things with that product you're advertising and nothing. Studies were conducted double-blind studies with this product? What?
Thank you. " I want to see the answers.


Senior Member
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Keratene raised the bar on this one -- they have full on clinical readings that show DHT levels dropping with their product....In fact, one guy said he was giving blood so much he felt like a pin-cushion...

....until this kind of thing is done with Equol and DHT, I am not even going there...I know that 30 mg/day was not enough for me...80-100mg/day -- I can see that...but give me some hard findings...


Established Member
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Keratene raised the bar on this one -- they have full on clinical readings that show DHT levels dropping with their product....In fact, one guy said he was giving blood so much he felt like a pin-cushion...

....until this kind of thing is done with Equol and DHT, I am not even going there...I know that 30 mg/day was not enough for me...80-100mg/day -- I can see that...but give me some hard findings...

Just started on the Keratene stuff recently, I also had a DHT test done on my blood, getting the results on Wednesday I think. Let's see how it goes in 3-4 weeks, when I get another test done. Hopefully my DHT levels have indeed dropped.

I would like Equol to work, for real. Since the whole idea of it binding to DHT instead of the 5AR enzyme appeals more to me. But again, like you said, no tests so far done.