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Hi guys,

I have to admit that I am new here and I find plenty of useful information. I am 26 years old and I am planning to restore my hairline through a hair transplant.I have been using regaine for 7 years and quit 3 years ago and started using propecia two years ago and quit 3 months ago. The truth is that I have minor hairloss but my hair means a lot to me. I want to have a hair transplant considering on planning it with dr rahal.What is your opinion?


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Get back on Propecia (finasteride). If you get a hair transplant and don't take finasteride, then 15 years from now you'll have a nice hairline....and the rest of your head will be bald.


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I quit propecia cause I think I had some side effects but I didn't see any imrovement. As you can see I have no big problem.


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gus58 said:
I quit propecia cause I think I had some side effects

You think? That's not, imo, a very good reason to stop. There are plenty of things that I could attribute to finasteride (exhaustion that turned out to be mono, for one).

gus58 said:
I didn't see any imrovement
How long were you on it? Did you take baseline pictures? Are you also aware that no further progression is defined as success? Stopping the hairloss is just about as big as regrowing hair, depend on the stage of the loss.

gus58 said:
As you can see I have no big problem.
I agree.....yet. What will it look like in 40 years if your current loss maintains the same rate? Right now you might think that a 2 inch recession in the last 5 years is no big deal....but 15 years from now that would be a further 6 inches, which means basically your entire head.

Think, think, then think some more. A hair transplant is LITERALLY permanent hair, but it doesn't mean that the rest of the hair on top of your head will magically take on those properties.


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I want to have a hair transplant considering on planning it with dr rahal.What is your opinion?[/quote)

Good move going with Rahal,If he thinks your ready for a hair transplant in the hairline at 27 and the hair you have behind it which looks ok for now he will advise you to get back on finasteride before and to stay on it after the hair transplant but that will be your call,the hair will go behind and around the transplant over time without meds a lot faster in the long run it hardly never fails.


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I believe my sperm was watery while I was on propecia and I wouldn't like to start it again except if there is any efficient and reduced dosage.I had 1 mg per day and I can say that I had some improvement at the beginning but I believe I lost hair since then.I believe that there may will be a new drug in the next 3 or 4 years without the sides of propecia and if I need a new med I don't believe its gonna be sooner than then. My thinning problem started slowly almost nine years ago_Of course you can never be sure with hairloss.What do you think?


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Let's say that there is a new hairloss med in the next 3-4 years. How much hair are you going to lose between now and then? Remember, it's 100x easier to MAINTAIN hair than it is to regrow it. Think of it like a CAN shock it back to life if it stops beating, but it's a hell of a lot easier to just keep it beating in the first place.

Watery semen is really hardly a side. Studies on the watery semen (and decreased volume) have shown that there is no reduction in potency or movement of the sperm. If you ask me, I'd take some watery jizz and keep my hair any day of the week :)