Planning FUT treatment with Dr. Bernstein - Advice? Concerns?


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Hi Guys,

I am new here. I am 31 years old and have been slowly losing my hair slowly since I was 20. Almost all of the loss is up front. I have attached pictures below. I have been taking Avodart and minoxidil for about 7 years and I feel like my hairline is at a point that it is now do the surgery or don't. I live in NYC and would like to stay local.

I've met and researched with different surgeons and have decided on going with Dr. Bernstein. I have also looked into Feller, Wesley, T/D.

He said that he would do 2200 grafts which would make the hairline I still have more dense. He said that he's not going to try and extend the hairline so it's no longer receding because it doesn't look natural. Just round it out and thicken it. I'm on Avodart and have managed to keep my hair loss upfront pretty steady over the last few years. I apparently have a donor density of 2.3 which he said was good- no idea what that means.

He wouldn't touch the crown, just to about my mid scalp as he said I am holding up ok back there for now.

I suggested FUE, but he said that with my long hair it would be better to do FUT. The last thing I want to do is have to shave any part of my head in preparation. I keep my hair pretty long.

Thoughts?? He has an opening to do the procedure next week and I need to confirm tomorrow.




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oooh how I wish I had as much hair as you....making me envious and all. I'm 32 and I got much less hair...sigh. Ehem back to the topic...donor density on 2.3 just means that you got lots of hair on your head so he can waste it without worrying that you lost hair grafts. I'm surprised that he needs to use 2000 grafts to make it more dense without touching the hairline though...

NEVER PICK FUT! Well you can if you want a scar on the back of your head which is show when you shave yourself bald, shorthaired or later in life when you lose hair. Fue cost more than Fut but it leaves no scar on your head. The closest you get to scar are small dot on your head, not a big line like fut.

Last thing, hair transplant doctors always have an opening either suddenly or very close in their plan. You see, there are many people who just jump the wagon cuz it's "now or never" and "oh I got discount!"... I can't decide for you but I would sit down and think about it one more time before I would do something that leaves a scar on my body just because some doctor told me to get it. Heck I would be paying to get that scar! ;)