Planning to go to a Dr. What am I suppose to ask for?


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I'm planning to go to a doctor to see what is causing my hair loss. Should I just go to any doctor? It seems like suffering from Telogen Effluvium. What should a doctor who knows hair loss do? Just look at my scalp and give a blood test? Please clue me in on what I should expect done from a Dr. who know how to figure out what are my causes of hair loss.


Telogen Effluvium is a very rare condition, what makes you so sure you are suffering it?

Unless you are struck by infinite tradegy you are probably suffering from male pattern baldness and then there is only one route to follow - finasteride, nizoral and minoxidil.

Happy new year and welcome to hell.


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nesta said:
Telogen Effluvium is a very rare condition, what makes you so sure you are suffering it?

Unless you are struck by infinite tradegy you are probably suffering from male pattern baldness and then there is only one route to follow - finasteride, nizoral and minoxidil.

Happy new year and welcome to hell.

Haha it could be heaven... Well according to the article on Telogen Effluvium and some threads on the forum it made me believe I'm suffering from Telogen Effluvium.

Check out my pics and please comment on what is my hair problem. Its just getting thin everywhere on my head. My eyebrows and eyelashes fall out so easily too. I'm a little confused now isn't diffuse thinning same as Telogen Effluvium?

The Gardener

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Whoa. No offense bud, but that is bizarre.

I would say male pattern baldness because it is happening in your temples, but, because the hairloss seems so abrupt, and it is happening in the midst of what looks like are healthy hairs, I would get some attention paid to your hair.

Where do you live? I would send these pix, plus your contact info to Dr Lee in Whittier, CA. If you live in the area, stop in and have him examine your scalp in person.


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Its my whole head thinning. the flash of my camera makes my hair problem way more noticable. Anywhere bright I think its noticable. every month its all just getting thinner and thinner... its been only 7 months since this all started... isn't it kind of fast from thick hair to fine hair within 7 months?

The Gardener

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You PM'ed me your specific concerns, and I PM'ed you Dr Lee's info. Given that you live in So Cal, albeit in a somewhat remote area, I strongly suggest you make the drive to Whittier to have him take a gander at your noggin. Why the hell not?

Let us all know what he has to say, we can all learn from the advice you get.

And to answer one of your specific questions, no, from my memory of my visit, he does NOT have any hot attendants working for him and no, he can't help you with skin health, but I can.. my gf works for an MD dermatologist and I can pass along any info you want if you tell me what your skin situation is. Same goes for anyone here... if you have any skin concerns, let me know... my gf's boss gives me great free advice, he knows I post here, and giving skin advice to you all is somewhat of a 'charity' in his book so fire away and I'll pass your questions along.

Cheers, Gard