plastic surgeon offices?


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do plastic surgeon offices typically do hair transplants or are they all specialty offices?


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Yeah they'll do it, they'll happily take your money and do a terrible job.
Go to a specialist someone who does hair transplant's and nothing else.


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s.a.f said:
Yeah they'll do it, they'll happily take your money and do a terrible job.
Go to a specialist someone who does hair transplant's and nothing else.

absolutely agree...this is something you want from a specialist who does nothing but hair transplant's.


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try2beme22 said:
do plastic surgeon offices typically do hair transplants or are they all specialty offices?

saf is correct. You ask a plastic surgeon if he does hair transplant and 99% of time they will say yes. But they are hardly of the calibre required to get even decent hair and they are not trained to perform hair transplants. Go to someone who does only hair transplant and has lots of results and a proven track record. If possible, try to meet former patients whose hair and baldness is similar to yours.