Plastic Surgery ( How Many Of You Would Get It)

Would you get plastic surgery at some point

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 27.8%

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obviously hair loss is a cosmetic issue and that is most likely the top concern for most of us. However I see plastic surgery get thrown around a lot around on here. As we know with hair transplants - one must remain realistic and you can't expect them to grant you a perfect head of hair , however they can be a big help when combined with other treatments.

Plastic surgery seems to be a great option if you have one weird feature like a big nose. But what I'm wondering is how viable is it for increasing your over all attractiveness? Personally I wish I had a better jawline and less facial fat. Despite being skinny my face always holds fat and I have a pretty weak jaw. At the same time I don't wanna turn into one of those plastic surgery horror stories where I look like a plastic doll.

My question is how viable is it to have a goal in mind like going from an average guy to let's say a 7/10 through the use of plastic surgery. Is this legit or should I not be so hopeful?


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Already got a masectomy, PRK (myopia surgery) and two hair transplants.

I wouldn't change anything about my face or my body, except maybe going for something like cryolipolysis for my stubborn lower belly fat.

Having anything done on your face when there isn't anything majorly wrong (like a potato nose or a very recessed-chin) with it is a bad idea.

Anything goes wrong and you're done (well, you'll look like a freak). As Bill Burr puts it, you get a botched belly lipo you can just put on a shirt, there's no shirt for your face.

Damn yea this is what I was afraid of , and I suppose it's the logical answer. My main goal is just to hold onto my hair but the perfectionist with in me just wishes I had a better face to go along with that. My chin and cheeks seem to hold fat even though I'm skinny enough to see my abs. Just annoying how genetics work. Im not sure if this problem with get worse as I age either.


My Regimen
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I had some botox for my frown lines and a filler because puffy eye bags. So no real surgery. I would do more if positive results were guaranteed - money is also an issue of course, but of less concern.

Would not expect too much, though. You can make little improvements, but I doubt one could go from a 5 to a 7 or even a 6.


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I had some botox for my frown lines and a filler because puffy eye bags. So no real surgery. I would do more if positive results were guaranteed - money is also an issue of course, but of less concern.

Would not expect too much, though. You can make little improvements, but I doubt one could go from a 5 to a 7 or even a 6.

Fml lol I just want to be a thick haired handsome 7+/10 with a good jaw .

I think about this stuff way to much but truly being happy with being average is a hard feat to achieve. I turn on the tv or music and see all these handsome as hell guys and just makes me realize how inferior I am.


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I feel a fair amount of bitterness that there isn’t “a surgery” for hair loss. Obviously there’s transplantation, but not everyone is a candidate, etc.

So when I see this thread title I think HELL YES but then I feel sad because it doesn’t matter.

Money too. I’d be willing to spend quite a bit to be free of hair loss but yet again, it doesn’t matter. There is no amount of money that can solve the problem perfectly.

Hair loss has to be one of the most existential problems that people face besides serious illness.

Anyway, yes I would get plastic surgery.


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what plastic surgeons wont tell you.

it moderately improves your looks, keyword enhances existing features.

Doesn't turn normie norm into chad chundercock

you will never go from average into stud, unless you had a receded jaw, and chin with a lefort surgery, sliding genio, and chin implant.

it doesn't happen in any other case. the person still looks the same, just a reasonably enhanced version. Normie into fresh-normie


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If my hair loss stabilizes, I was debating getting some kind of surgery to lower my hair line. I have a straight up five head that kills my looks; I have been wearing a shaggy skater style haircut for the last like 8 years to cover it up.


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what plastic surgeons wont tell you.

it moderately improves your looks, keyword enhances existing features.

Doesn't turn normie norm into chad chundercock

you will never go from average into stud, unless you had a receded jaw, and chin with a lefort surgery, sliding genio, and chin implant.

it doesn't happen in any other case. the person still looks the same, just a reasonably enhanced version. Normie into fresh-normie

I think some percentage of plastic surgery done by patients is to achieve normies status.
I am totally with this concept provided it will turn out to be beneficial.

For Aesthetics depends on why the person is undergoing it.


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Being happy is always going to be a fleeting feeling no matter who you are. Life is suffering, that goes for all of us.

What you suffer from is envy and it can work with everything, most of us would be lucky to even be average in any area, and I mean the population in general.

For example, I'm an average guitar player, and when I see some virtuoso playing ten times better than me, yes, it makes me small in comparison, but that's just how it is. He can master a piece in a week with minimal effort while you'll have to bust your *** for like 3 months to get to the same result. Even here, genetic ability is what will matter the most.

In the same manner, I'm surrounded by fullheads all the time who got their perfect hair by... doing absolutely nothing. And here I am chasing my tail and spending a lot of money to try to get an acceptable head of hair.

It's pointless to shake your fist at the nature of existence. All you can do is organize yourself and make the best of the advantages you've been given. As Jordan Peterson says, compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

You don't know what those handsome men you see on TV are going through, you don't know their life story, you don't know how they got where they are. You don't know their fears, their insecurities, their inner struggles. It's expected of people to project a persona, that persona is what you'll see on Facebook or what you'll see of the person in an every day interaction. And of course it always seems flawless and it gives you the impression that some people are living the dream and could never be unhappy.

The more you talk to different people from different backgrounds, the more you'll realize that you're not special, that each of us feel inferior and worthless from time to time. You can use that feeling as a drive to improve yourself, but for god's sake, if you've just started playing the guitar, don't look at Eric Clapton and think "man, I'm so inferior to that guy, I'd better give up!".

this kid has no idea. Absolutely NO idea.


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this kid has no idea. Absolutely NO idea.

Lol. I actually agree with what he is saying , it's very true that we all do feel insecure or lesser at times. It's part of being human.

But the fact that some people are objectively much better looking ( subjective beauty is a myth) , smarter , richer , etc is still a hard reality to cope with- espically if you fall in the bottom 50% .


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what plastic surgeons wont tell you.

it moderately improves your looks, keyword enhances existing features.

Doesn't turn normie norm into chad chundercock

you will never go from average into stud, unless you had a receded jaw, and chin with a lefort surgery, sliding genio, and chin implant.

it doesn't happen in any other case. the person still looks the same, just a reasonably enhanced version. Normie into fresh-normie

Brutal red pill : being 5-6/10 is the worst attractiveness level you can be. You are attractive enough that people don't find you repulsive and the occasional grandma age woman will compliment you " handsome young man"! Yet you aren't attractive enough to slay. At the best you can get a relationship an average girl.

If you are ugly you can move on with the looks obsession . If you are above average you can slay. But the mid tier truly is the worst to be. Always striving to be attractive but always falling short.


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Brutal red pill : being 5-6/10 is the worst attractiveness level you can be. You are attractive enough that people don't find you repulsive and the occasional grandma age woman will compliment you " handsome young man"! Yet you aren't attractive enough to slay. At the best you can get a relationship an average girl.

If you are ugly you can move on with the looks obsession . If you are above average you can slay. But the mid tier truly is the worst to be. Always striving to be attractive but always falling short.
how hard was zyzz' life?




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My Regimen
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nose isn't real a deal breaker.
A big nose is masculine, however that indian hooked nose is subhuman/10

I have a prominent nose, and could care less. Most men on average have big.masculine noses.

its not the size rather the shape that's important.
My nose is pathetic p, Nostrils are way too flared


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Y'all speaking about jaw/chin surgery like it can do miracles. it can if you have a prognathic jaw to start with, but if you have a weak/lean jaw bone, except for balacing the face symetry not much else can be done.


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If my hair loss stabilizes, I was debating getting some kind of surgery to lower my hair line. I have a straight up five head that kills my looks; I have been wearing a shaggy skater style haircut for the last like 8 years to cover it up.
Dave, you don't have a five head. I think its more like 3.5. I have a bigger forehead than you and mine is 4 finger head. I think 3 looks perfect although I like Zayn Malik's 2 finger head because he will recede to a 3 finger at the most well into 80's. I used to be 3 before I started finasteride. @shookwun, you are not a 5 head either from what I saw.