Please Clarify for me


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Im about to finish my 5th month on propecia + nizoral(every 3rd day) and I have been taking it religously, I havent missed 1 day. I dont always take it at the same time (+/- 6 hours max) but its always in the morning right when i wake up and I usually dont eat until about 3 hours afterwards because I dont have time, which isnt a bad thing because im getting full absorption this means. But my shedding is still the same as it was b4 i started any treatment. I still shed OVER 150 HAIRS just in the shower. This shedding is driving me crazy obviously. I thought propecia ussually has some effect by this time, maybe not in the regrowth department, but at least in the reduction of shedding if it is doing wut its supposded to be doing which is reduce the production of DHT. So my question is this. How does propecia actually work? Does it reduce DHT levels which leads to less shedding, thus stops/slows hairloss? Or does it reduce DHT levels which does NOT always reduce shedding, but just stops the shedding hairs from coming back thinner? And if its the first one, does that mean that it is not effective for me yet? I know it takes up to a year to see results. Oh and by the way I wear a hat everyday and do my hair with gel only 1 a week, 2 times max. So I was wondering if this could be a reason why I shed so much, because hair is unable to really fall out when wearing a hat and because i dont do my hair which would make a lot of loose hairs fall out. Thus all these hairs just fall out when I shower. Does this make sense. Damn this is long. Thanks for any help


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I lose a lot of hairs / day too. The only way you can really judge what is going on is by looking at your head of hair and seeing if you have more or less hair than you did 5 months ago. You can also take a look at the hairs you're losing and see if they look very light in pigment and get thinner and thinner as they approach the root.

Losing hair isn't the problem, it's the hair that thins.

Anyway, you should give finasteride 3 or 4 more months before you start making judgements about its effectiveness.