Please consider this before you start perscription meds


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Please accept this information in the spirit it is intended :lol:

*Any* medication (including OTC cough suppressant) has a risk benifit ratio. Taking a medication "off label", that is for an unapproved (read untested) use compounds your risk in a geometric fashion.

What works at 1mg for thinning hair, with a known set of side effects, does not mean at 5mg it will do better, or that the side effects will remain the same.

In medical science, one strength of medication can be efficacious, safe and well tolerated. At a slightly higher dose, it can kill you. All things, concerning pharmaceuticals, are not created equally.

It's not rocket science. It's harder.

Also consider that gynocomastia is an acceptable risk in those that are suffering from an elarged prostate. I doubt most men would think growing "C" cup breasts is an acceptable risk for combating thining hair. Guys, I know what real gynocomastia looks like - it aint pretty and usually requires surgery for the PT to fully recover.

It's a true proverb: you take a medication off label and you are in uncharted - literally - water.