Please critique my daily vitamin regime


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I wanted to please ask opinions on my daily vitamin regime. I see that there is a forum for such things, however I feel that my regime contains a multiplicity of tablets at present, and not just for hair loss - i.e. general well being also, and so I thought I'd post it here. (feel free to move if I'm wrong heh!):

I ask mainly for two reasons:

1) I don't want to be taking anything that will hurt my body/hurt my regime. At present I feel my hair is going but I'm coming from a reasonable starting point (still at the stage where you wouldn't notice I am unless I brushed my hair back, currently have a foppish fringe!). I don't want to be taking something regularly that's gonna mess with my progress.
2) I have a form of Erectile Disfunction, well I say ED, I don't know if it's ED or if it's just, well, anxiety and nerves! Put it this way, I can get it up for self-love, for oral sex, but I find that it goes pretty quickly once I start intercourse. Since my most recent bird there was a fair old gap, so I reckon I came into this new situation with a lot of nerves/anxiety etc.

The thing is, I don't know if it IS nerves or if it's nerves linked to a genuine ED issue. I feel that during oral sex there is an almost constant stimulation, so things are cool, however during intercourse where there can be various manovering etc which implies periods w/o stimulation then I can lose the erection. I'm also not circumcised, so the actual act itself can be, whilst fun, not exactly amazing, largely because of a lack of friction when the lass is turned on and 'lubricated'. I've also read that Propecia can affect the stimulation, so I don't know if that's a factor as well, i.e. lack of stimulation causing lack of permance of erection. As I said, same applies in that oral is great whilst full blown is kind of average, 'ok'. I'm not at the stage in the relationship where we're stopped using condoms, so I don't know if it's a whole load of stimulation affecting things (uncircumcised, condom, v excited woman so reducing natural friction to affect the above) or if it's a finasteride ED side.

So I don't know, as I said, if it's ED from taking pills or if it's from the specific of mental anxiety. I should also say that, in order to get over my anxiety I've taken 1/2 tab of kamagra twice now and had no problems, the little general was fine and dandy (well, I'd say it was about 90% of potential and stimulation was again quite low, though that could be as I said 'uncut' issues).

Current regime:

1 - Nizoral 2% a few times a week, normally after showering so I can leave it on for at least 15 mins before rinsing. (I also have some cheap aloe vera shampoo from Tesco's, though I don't know if it does anything as it was only 44p!)
2 - 1x Propecia 1mg (Have recently ordered some general Proscar from Dr Ashcroft which I should hopefully receive soon so can start splitting that, will aim for 1/5ths but who knows)
3 - I WAS taking 1x Saw Palmetto daily (Saw Palmetto fruit extract, 36mb, providing phytosterols 25ug, equivalent to 500mg herb powder) which I had got from my local health shop (quest brand), but after reading about the sides that this can have (and with paranoia over propecia sides) I think I shall probably give this a rest for a bit and see if anything changes up top and down below.
4 - 1x Anti-histamine daily - I get this rhinitis/24x7 hayfever thing which is lame
5 - 1x Multivitamins - Currently Seven Seas Multibionta
6 - 1x Tesco B-active - New one, makes my urine v. yellow!, Has lots of Vit C, Vit B1, B12, B6, some Folic Acid
7 - 1x Seven Seas One a Day Cod liver Oil (with a splash of Omega though b/c I've started specialist Omega 3's, see below, I'll just get the CLO only one next time)
8 - 1x Tesco Omega 3+6+9
9 - 1x Tesco Omega 3 (Was just taking the above, but read that you need lots of Omega3 in comparison to Omega6, so picked up this that has 1000mg Omega3 b/c it was 1/2 price!, the 3+6+9 only had 263mg Omega3m however it goes have 800mg Flaxseed oil)
10 - 1x Tesco Vitamin C + Zinc (Read the Zinc is good as part of an ED regime so thought it was a good idea, thou this only has 15mb in it. I'd say my semen is pretty normal. At times I've had the thing where you end up having lots of drips in urine post-piss, but not regularly that I noticed it, I just put it down to carelessness at the time heh!)
11 - Maca - 2x500mg tablet per day
12 - Horny Goat Weed - 2x3000mg daily (These two designed to treat the libido that I may or may not have affected!)

Have also ordered, but not yet taken:
- MSM - 1000mg
- L-Arginine 500mg

Seems like a crazy long list to me and, but I don't know what is good and what isn't! I do have dark circles under my eyes, but I also do get a lot less sleep than I should, but then I've also got less sleep and only really got the bad dark circles since starting all this stuff.




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andrew, finasteride CAN affect sensitivity, libido, etc. it's not just ED. and it's those things that are most important in my book. you can't simply correct sensitivity and libido issues the way you can ED (with v****). if these are issues for you, I would seriously consider stopping finasteride and forget about HGW, Macca, etc as a band aid. stop saw palmetto as well.