Please help! Does this look like male pattern baldness?


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I know that male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss but my hair seems to thinning at an exponential rate in a very strange pattern and not in the usual "M" shape hairline/circular pattern in crown area. I've attached some photos. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!



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here are some more. Basically, only my right side seems to be receeding. The left side is getting thinner but is still in the same place, if that makes sense. Also, I wish I had pictures of how my hair looked before the first pics in august were taken but basically, that big bald spot on the right side of my head literally used to be the size of a nickel and it was really easy to conceal even just after a week of getting a haircut. As you can see, it has not only gotten bigger but a trail of started to develop from that spot and it runs all the way to the front of my head. The left side of my crown is also starting to thin out big time whereas a year ago, you couldn't even see my scalp even if my hair was wet. Also, back in August, I used to lose about 40-50 hairs in the shower. Now, I'll be lucky if I lose any less than 100. Ill rinse my hair - lose about 10 hairs. Apply nizoral - lose another 40-60 hairs (I count as many as I can), leave it on and then rinse - lose another 30-40 hairs. And between drying my hair and trying to style it - lose another 20 hairs or so. Yeah, its that bad...


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...whats going on with ur nails????

and yes, you are thinning it seems. Act fast before its too late.


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yeah, it does look like it. What treatments have you been taking so far? Some patterns also focus on the crown area of the head. It doesn't necessarily have start from the frontal hairline. I hope you can get to it right away. Maybe get yourself checked first so that you are able to determine which treatment is most appropriate.

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yeah, it does look like it. What treatments have you been taking so far? Some patterns also focus on the crown area of the head. It doesn't necessarily have start from the frontal hairline. I hope you can get to it right away. Maybe get yourself checked first so that you are able to determine which treatment is most appropriate. i could refer you my doctor if you are up to it.


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Yeah, this looks like male pattern baldness. Also, do you have any itching/soreness/sensitivity/flaking? Honestly the hair loss pattern on this looks a lot more like a fungal scalp infection (tinea capitis) than male pattern baldness but if you don't have any other symptoms then yeah, male pattern baldness.


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My Regimen
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Thanks for the detailed pics. It looks like you're thinning. But don't be too alarmed, just get on the big 3 now and you will recover fast. You're not at the stage where friends and family will heckle you about it yet(or correct me if i'm wrong). But if you start treatment now, you'll never get to that part. You have nice hair, thick, but thinning, nice hairline. Just don't let it get out of control.