Please Help I Just Became Extremely Depressed Over My Hair Transplant


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> undergoes FUT

> doesn't want a FUT scar

good thinking m8

@shookwun might have some tips to hide it. you can get a small FUE into the scar i think?


Senior Member
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> undergoes FUT

> doesn't want a FUT scar

good thinking m8

@shookwun might have some tips to hide it. you can get a small FUE into the scar i think?
Surgeon technique and how yu heal will determine how well the scar is disguised. Hair density is also worth mentioning, those with good donor will hide it better.

6-12 months post operation fue (200-250) grafts into scar

Low fade hair cut is what I sport. A talented barber goes along way


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waste of money, wont do anything. (revisions, smp)

Scar will reject the SMP, and you will most likely need some form of laser for the keloids, and raised scar. Lots of money, and you will still end up look like you have a scar because of how linear the scar is, followed by your native hair not growing.

You will need to have your scar grafted. with 250-300 grafts. (200 is not enough)

I mean, it's going to cost a lot, but it will give you peace of mind.

Where did you have your surgery?

This is pretty much how I have my sides and back

my barber is a BEAST.




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Mate, you wont be able to buzz. it will show an outline. there will be disparities where the scar is.

wont see the scar, but a outline will show where hair doesn't grow.

Yeah... the hair is like a #2 near my scar. slightly covers over before the fade


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I just underwent strip procedure because of the higher yield of hair but I only did it because I was talked into it with a doctor who convinced me they'd give it to me for half price. Now idc if it was free I am just terrified of the scar. Even if it does come out as a thin line from ear to ear I still regret it because I just wished I would've shaved my head from the beginning. I heard ginger can cure hypo pigmentation which is basically what my scar will be a thin white dis colored line. Can anyone help please I want to be able to shave my head regardless of the results and just be happy. I'm willing to do anything to get rid of the scar or at least make it even with my skin tone so it's not noticeable with a shaved head! Please I'm extremely depressed and scared and I've even been thinking about giving up on life :( is there hope?

First, don't panic. A lot of emotions come into play in the aftermath of a hair transplant. Buyers remorse is SUPER COMMON with both FUT and FUE.

Second, the odds are high you will be just fine. Most FUT scars are very hard to see. Don't worry about shaving your head someday. If you really wanted to shave your head you would probably not have gotten hair transplant.

Third, you can always have a tiny FUE into the scar if you really want to in a few years but the VAST majority of FUT patients never do that.

Fourth, don't panic! :)