
Please Help. No One Was Able To Diagnose This.


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Hey everyone,
A about a month ago I noticed this bald spot on my scalp but no recieding hairline. So i went and got scalp analysis and there is barely any miniaturized hair. There is no balding history in my family no both sides. All uncles and grandparents have full heada of hair. The first doctor said it could be stress and I don’t think he knows what he was talking about. The seocond one said he doesn’t know why but i should use minoxdil. Can someone tell me what it could be.
Thank you!


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Check your thyroid


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Check your thyroid
Thank you for the quick reply! You’re definitely right I don’t know how i never thought about it. I always had pain in the thyroid area but thought it’s allregies or something like that. I’m definitely going to get it checked.
Again thank you