Please help *number on grafts needed advice*


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Hello All,

New member. As a background of my hair loss, i have been suffering from diffused hair loss for about 5 years now. I have tried finasteride and rogaine but never really stuck to a particular regime and as such never had any sort of result. I am now considering a hair transplant.

I have narrowed my search search down to dr hakan ********* and Dr. Koray Erdogan. My criteria for surgeon is quality but also price. I would prefer Dr Erdogan over Dr hakan as his results seem to be superior.

I have consulted each over email and i have been quoted 2300 grafts with Dr hakan and 4000 - 4500 grafts by Dr Erdogan. I'm slightly concerned about the difference in quotation and i would like some advice on here as to how many you guys think i need. In addition the difference in cost between the two is a lot.

I have attached pictures of my hair loss. Do you think 2300 grafts is enough? My aim to thicken up the front and middle parts of my hair and keep existing hair line. Ideally i would like dense pack




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Hey Swoop - i actually tried minoxidil and finasteride but havent really seen any results. I specifically asked both Dr Hakan and Dr Koray if i was a good candidate for a hair transplant, any both replied yes. I realize i may need a future hair transplant, but my rate of hair loss is not great and i'm confident with the use of finasteride i can at least maintain for the next 5 - 10 years.

My gut is saying go with Dr Hakan. I specifically asked him why Dr Koray was quoting such a high number of grafts and they replied that its because their yields are lower and they find it unethical to quote such high number of grafts. I personally think the maximum i need is around 3000 grafts judging by others who have similar procedure - but your thoughts would be great


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Tc87, they are both considered very good. Many people do find Erdogan a tad better though. I do find personally that Erdogan always quotes very high graft numbers but his results are very good.

Follow your gut man. That's all I can say. It's your decision. Go watch many (independent) patients results across the forums and decide which one you think is better. Think about it again, don't be haste full with your decision. Either way again they are both very good.

Btw, how long did you stay on finasterde & minoxidil?